I Just Flashed For The First Time

Iv'e been thinking about doing this; aquafish's seems like the best route for me to go. I'm having a bit of trouble finding a good guide on how to do it though. I recently talked to TelcoLou on how to do it but he flashed to spivs. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm sure theres info on the forum but i dont have the time to search right now...
i use aquafishes multifirmware, the old version 2.something, its great
yaustar posted on May 11 2004 at 10:43 PM said:
gbax pre flash thier FLUs, they may do the same for BLU...
What do they flash it with, I heard it was Spiv's FW?
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Has anyone tried BOR .51 on Aquafish's FW? Mine won't load when I press "a" to load the original full BOR pak. It just gives me a memory allocation error. It does this no matter what launcher I use.
Does anyone fix your gp anymore if you screw up the falsh? Someone used to i think. Mr Spiv perhaps? I dont think he does anymore though. Not that im gonna screw it up but you know.... all those newbies.... I gotta go.
Fyvve posted on May 11 2004 at 11:52 PM said:
Does anyone fix your gp anymore if you screw up the falsh? Someone used to i think. Mr Spiv perhaps? I dont think he does anymore though. Not that im gonna screw it up but you know.... all those newbies.... I gotta go.
Mr Spiv said he does not do it anymore. If you bork your GP when flashing you just have to make a JTAG cable to re-flash your Gp.
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Has anyone tried BOR .51 on Aquafish's FW? Mine won't load when I press "a" to load the original full BOR pak. It just gives me a memory allocation error. It does this no matter what launcher I use.

I have a 128MB fully loaded with BOR (I have 6 x 128s) and use Aqua's latest (4.5) firmware. It works fine from the Boot menu I created. Its probably your bor.pak - have you done Hokutoy's workaround to get it to play? (unpacking the file and adding shadow6a/shadow6b/shadow6c.gif to it)
GBAX only flash to avoid the freelauncher registration problems. The BLU's should come with eurofw which doesn't need freelauncher, so there won't be any reason for them to flash.