Time For A Comparison....


Still Fresh
Apr 24, 2004
Well...I got my GP32 this thrusday, and i'm so so happy of it, it's giving me very good results (specially with SNES). I'm proud of it, and that's the why i'm afraid that a lot of other multimedial machines are awakening with similar power: mobile phones/PDA's/Zodiac/PSP/GBA. Specially Ericcsson p800/p900 with Symbian OS 7.0 (wich has an almighty 3D engine with 156Mhz ARM9 cpu), Ngage, and the PDA's that most of them run @ ARM9 400Mhz!!! (to do not mention the power of the upcoming PSP....:'( )

Well i'm intrested into knowing what our beloved GP32 can really do to contrast this, and I'm not so informed on what that other thingyes can do.

I hope we can manage this right, and KEEP working hard on new powerfull EMU's, ports & 3d engines!!!

I think that our console has the power, we just need to work toghether & harder to beat em all!!!

Neospiez (from Italy)
In my opinion the gp32 is best for stuff snes/ mega drive and before.

Video is good and so is mp3.

3D on the other hand maybe not... especially comapred to the PSP.

Im happy with my gp cause I got it for retro gaming :)
When it comes down to it, a basic rule of thumb is if you just wanna play games, the gp is one of if not the best portables around. If you want to play a game and then call your frien from the same machine, well then logic would serve that a mobile phone would be better :P . Seriously, what we have on the gp is great; who cares about the other portables.
Well...the very good thing of the GP32 is the price cos i've pay mine €123 and that's an unbeateable price for ANY of the other products, 4 example the ericcsson p900 costs €800!!!!
you said you are getting it on thursday and as i see you are so doubtful about how cool can gp32 be..

anyway, no matter how good the other machines are cause we know gp32 owns and we are fucking proud of having it =)
LOL, maybe my english is bad "Well...I got my GP32 this thrusday" I already have it here running SNES, scumm, doom, moviepark, genesis, mp3, windups and little wizard!
spiez posted on May 8 2004 at 10:33 PM said:
LOL at maybe my english is bad "Well...I got my GP32 this thrusday" I already have it here running SNES, scumm, doom, moviepark, genesis, mp3, windups and little wizard!
The thing to remember is that there is more to these systems than CPU speed and amount of RAM. There will always be portables with better specs. Things like the "community or scene" can be important as well, and in this area the GP32 scene wins hands down right now.

Phones that play games are not all that interesting to me as a game only platform and most of the time the screens on these things are too small.

While PDAs like the PPc are fast, the game controls suck now making action games little more than tech demos. The Zodiac is the only PDA with good game controls.

The PSP will be great for commercial games and it will be like a portable Playstation but I would bet against emus and homebrew because of the proprietary disc format.

The GP32 is a great little system to hack around on (it is a "hackers" portable) and you can even change the system Bios for a completely different look. Developement is relatively easy and hassle free and you don't need to encrypt or have code reviewed like many other systems, you can just release stuff when you want.

For emus on the GP32 I would recommend the TG-16 emu, Little John NES emu, Colecovision, C64, Atari 800/5200, Gameboy emu all of these work great and have sound support.

I would recommend the Doom port as well as it runs great and has some great WAD files (check Drumasters site).

That is all, don't worry about fu** specs and just have fun :)
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PinkSpider posted on May 8 2004 at 08:56 PM said:
In my opinion the gp32 is best for stuff snes/ mega drive and before.

Video is good and so is mp3.

3D on the other hand maybe not... especially comapred to the PSP.

Im happy with my gp cause I got it for retro gaming :)
Same here :P
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Just like the Dreamcast,
thats still a great console. And it could do stuff the PS2 couldn't do.
And after all, the DC is older then the PS2.

The GP32 is just like that, it has hard-core users that make their own programs.
It has its own scene, hardware is know by a lot. And its 'low' priced.
The PSP might be faster/stronger, but if their isn't a way to make stuff for it
the system is only going to be popular under the n00b-people (with lots of cash).
yeah, sometimes ill flash out my gp32_console at school and ill hear a buncha "woah! what the hell is that?!" and "jesus! thats fucking awsome!" but then there will always be a few they rant on about how my gp32 is crap and the psp is gonna kick its ass. they dont keep in mind that its not all about power and graphics, its about the commuity and what you can do with it. the emus, the homebrew games and all that crap is gonna keep the gp32_console in it while psp is around because its basicly just gonna be commercial and multimedia. were on the other hand gp32 has ports of kick ass games and kick ass emus and kick ass multimedia. so... in conclustion.. SUCK MY BALLS OTHER CONSOLES!!! :P
I just thought of something else re the PSP... Sony are going to have to either not allow movie playback on it, or release movies separately on UMD, since no-one can write the things (unless they're allowing loading and accessing from the save card, which presumably would be possible). What do you think people will feel like when they get told they've got to buy, at probably prices greater than that for DVDs since royalties will be being paid to both Sony AND the movie industrises, the movies they own already and want to watch on a new UMD format?

Essentially, we'll always have movies that the PSP can't easily top - possibly it could in terms of quality (though after a point, that becomes meaningless; a good encode on a GP pretty much looks like its still DVD, just smaller (at least at 320x240 resolution)) but in terms of freedom, and being able to encode movies yourself and similar...

Lets just say I have my doubts as to whether the PSP will ever manage that
Tobriand posted on May 9 2004 at 06:43 AM said:
I just thought of something else re the PSP... Sony are going to have to either not allow movie playback on it, or release movies separately on UMD, since no-one can write the things (unless they're allowing loading and accessing from the save card, which presumably would be possible). What do you think people will feel like when they get told they've got to buy, at probably prices greater than that for DVDs since royalties will be being paid to both Sony AND the movie industrises, the movies they own already and want to watch on a new UMD format?

Essentially, we'll always have movies that the PSP can't easily top - possibly it could in terms of quality (though after a point, that becomes meaningless; a good encode on a GP pretty much looks like its still DVD, just smaller (at least at 320x240 resolution)) but in terms of freedom, and being able to encode movies yourself and similar...

Lets just say I have my doubts as to whether the PSP will ever manage that
I saw an article on geek.com a while back, sony is currently in the process of trying to buy up a load of media houses.

Last i heard they were after MGM. Any publishing companies they can buy would be great for them as they can release the stuff on UMD and make a fortune.

I'm not really expecting anything ground breaking when it comes to "hacker" stuff on the PSP, the single reason i'd highlight for this would be the media used. Just look at the gamecube, they take a smaller disc and write it backwards and suddenly its currently the most secure console!
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Yeah but they did find a way around it on the gamecube (thanks to sega). its just the shady fellas at the market cant make money off it now. No matter how hard sony tries the psp will be hacked, it just wont be for a large userbase, like ps2 for example. the ps2 is easily chipped, so people who know little about it can still make a "backup" or buy one. On the GC you need to know a little about computers to play pirate games and such, and you need to buy a game (PSO), a boot disk (animal crossing i think) and a network adapter.
The PSP is going to have large memory sticks as a saving medium, and I think that that is it's saving grace for homebrew and emulation, and for doing basically everything that a GP32 can do. Those sticks may be up to 2GB by the time the PSP actually comes out...
Though until someone finds a game that has an exploit in it that allows loading of a file from a memory stick and executing of it, that probably won't help all that much.

Unless Sony decide not to be wossnames and embrace homebrew. But I doubt they'd do that.
I'll chip mine if I have to... it'd probably be cheaper than getting a flash cart for the GBA is right now anyway, as some (good) xbox mod chips go for $35

This was shown at the latest expo about the PSP. Well i think GP32 will beat PSP in adapability & modding.

I'm still getting impressed on my GP, snes keeps working great! Now i'm going for neogeo, hoping to get sum metal slug working on it (hard, really hard i think).

Someone said phones have small screens, well ericcsson p800/p900 have a 3" screen!

And about internet, i've read that there is MOBILE connectivity, but i've not found NOTHING about it, can someone explain how is that possible?