Chances Of An Overcloked Gp32

Umm...kind of hard to guess counting on the fact that the BLU hasn't been released, yet. For normal GP32s, it is kind of rare, but almost everybody can at least OC to 156.
Huh? The emulators that support OCing, usually have multiple clock settings, usually 133, 156, and 166. So most emulators don't run on 156, they run on a variety of speeds.
Azure posted on May 5 2004 at 08:34 PM said:
But his site has been down for the past couple of days...
I have gone to his site about once every day for the past month, and although there have been server (probably DNS) problems at certain times, the majority of the time its up, I just went there yesterday and saw his most recent news post about only having 30 glass screen replacements left. So just catch it when the site is up, or email him.
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Just send him an e-mail

Quick response, at least it was in my case.

Edit: To be more .. On Topic; A buddy of mine got his gp32_console a few weeks before I did. After I got mine, the first emu I put on my SMC was OpenSnes and overclocked it to 166; it played fine ... same for Doom; oc'd to 166 and played for a couple of hours.

He kind of skirts the issue when I ask him if he can overclock, so I'm guessing he cant :lol: In our case, it's a 50% chance ...
In most cases, I believe it just resets the GP32; probably depends on the game/app/emu. It's harmless to the CPU though, I wouldn't worry about it.
..and the screen is unlikley to fry?

Also, is there anyone in the UK that knows of some good rechargeable batteries? Mine keep dying after approx 30-40 minute splaying. Then theres a 5 hour charge... :angry:
The screen will NOT fry. It's harmless, 'cept maybe it will drain your batteries faster, but that's all.

Oh, and I'm from the USA, but I reccomend Energizer NiMh rechargies. I got a set of 8 for ~$17, 2300Ma ... they last about 8 to 10 hours in my FLU.