Okay, I'll make photo's later, not at home right now.
-Atari 2600 (2x, one has broken cartridge opening pins)
-Master System 2
-Mega Drive 2 (aka Genesis, appearts to transmit only in SECAM, not sure.)
-NES (European brick model, not modified against unofficial carts (blinking))
-SNES (European version, was a showmodel at a local toystore)
-Mega Duck (Gameyboy clone, dead)
-Gameboy (classic greenscreen, transparent casing)
-Playstation (very old model, has a/v and a parallel port that later PSX's didn't have, CD drive is worn to the point it has trouble reading things)
-Playstation 2 (version 7 mainboard)
-GP32 (My third, it's a FLU. First one was busted and went back to GBAX, Second one got sold to buy the FLU)
-Pong game (Audio Sonic, a color one too

-Famicom clone. (Calls itself a Polystation and has a Playstation-ish casing, dead?)
-Gemini (Atari 2600 clone, dead)
-Atari 2600 clone with 128 built-in games. It looks like a plastic VCS.
-MSX 1 (Philips VG-8020)
-ZX Spectrum (48k model, in a LO-PROFILE brand keyobard casing, with built in DD floppy drive interface, two bios' (TR-DOS), A/V out and kempston interface)
-ZX Spectrum (48k regular, a bit worn looking but it still functions)
-Atari Mega ST 4 (with monitor and all)
-Used to have a C64, but I gave it to a friend who wanted it.
-Weird converter thing for the SNES. It takes European and Japanese/American SNES carts, but also accepts famicom carts. I checked it inside and it appears to have an Famicom built in.
Note that I am willing to SELL some of these (PS2 and GP32 not included).
Also, I might have forgotten a few, so I'll update this once I can.
I also have alot of software. Anyone interested is free to contact me. In in The Netherlands, for those who are concerned with distances