Attack Sets Needed

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Attack sets needed for mine and PinkSpider's site

with Charecter sets if possible
I dont wanna write that again, I already sent! :P But in the e-mail it says that you should put all the things I send you as "ported by Enslaved" and that I will be porting alot more tonight cause it takes like 10 mins to port a whole sprite (without attacks) which will be perfect for when Pirotic has turn based system in the game.
Lethe posted on May 1 2004 at 11:48 PM said:
attack set don't have those squares to use... dang
Just copy and paste the ones from the charsets
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i made a better attack set which is easier to edit here

it not only has the squares to show you how big they are, but also has a smaller character sized square slap-bang in the middle to give you an idea where the character should go, hope its helpfull! (included a .psd example with the attack i did for Chrono)
wish we could do ranged atacks that use the MP we have sittin around
think that needs addressed
also, have the attack we want selectable from the in game menu, not the editor

Arghhh, i made a Link attack set from the SNES version, i made the background red so i could see what i was doing, then when i changed it back to black it was the sae shade of black as the outline of the link character, and since i dont have any photoediting stuff im pretty much screwed, if n e one wants to fix it gimme a shout
the oyutline of the LINK character is exactly the same as the coulour u use as a background on the character sets, so when i put it in the game it doesnt have a black outline, ill demonstrate

this is what the image looks like with a red background, except less blotchy coz i had to change it to a jpeg to dislay it on the forums:

and this is what it looks like when i paint the background black then white, and this is what the character looks like on gigas


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hang on i'll sort it for you - you just need to replace the black with a colour which isnt used (say bright pink), then you can paste the black onto the background and just replace the bring pink for a dark grey and everything should work..

could you e-mail me the bmp version to gigas at pirotic dot com mate - i tried fixing it on that jpeg but the compression has made to many artifacts, i'll clean it up for you and do the transparency.
Pirotic posted on May 2 2004 at 10:34 AM said:
i made a better attack set which is easier to edit here

it not only has the squares to show you how big they are, but also has a smaller character sized square slap-bang in the middle to give you an idea where the character should go, hope its helpfull! (included a .psd example with the attack i did for Chrono)
The innder squares are only 32 pixels across. should they be 34?
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oops, must of been a copy and paste error :P

the squares are just there to show you the centre, and give you an idea or where to whack the character - so it doesn't matter if they are few pixels too small etc, whats a pixel between friends eh?

well spotted tho ;)
lol. also, on the second row, the grid has moved dows, so i had to fix it