Html Help


Jan 1, 2004
Right I have my basic layout for the front page:

There are two different colours I want for the links because they are on alternating black and white backgrounds so one has to be white and another black. Normally I would do this in the head (alink = "#000000" vlink = "#000000" link = "#000000" etc) but since the links need to be different colours it aint working. Any ideas??

note: If I need to use a CSS can you explain how to set one up as I have never used one before :rolleyes:
Looks very cool.

Can't you just set the font colour within the link tags? ie:

<A HREF="link"><FONT COLOR="colour">button</FONT></A>

I'm pretty sure you can just do that.
They are already coloured like that but when you put a link in it uses the link colours of either whats set in the browser or the ones set in the html doc :(

Also done (the hide section) I used images here for the links, I may just end up doing this for the main page although its a bugger as it will make load times worst :(
Add this at the top of the html
.whitelink {
	font-size:10px; <- fiddle with this until you get the right size

.blacklink {
	font-size:10px; <- fiddle with this until you get the right size
Remove the font tags (and never, ever use them again), and put class="whitelink" or class="blacklink" into your <a>'s
Woogal is right, but you can also create a universal style sheet without having to declare it at the top of each page all the time.

Put this in your HEAD tag:
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="style.css" TYPE="text/css" TITLE="8-bit Color Style">

Create a new TXT document called style.css and place your CSS code in there. style.css should then look something like this:
p	{ font: 11px Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; }
p.index	{ font: 11px Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0px 15px 0px 15px; }
.copyrighttext { color: #D6D6D6; font-size: 11px; }

The 'p' will make all <p></p> elements display in that style without the need for declaring it. 'p.index' will allow you to change the style of the <p></p> tags by declaring <p class="index"></p>. '.copyrighttext' can be used with almost any tags.

For more information and a handy downloadable CSS help file, go to
PinkSpider posted on Jul 24 2004 at 11:25 AM said:
They are already coloured like that but when you put a link in it uses the link colours of either whats set in the browser or the ones set in the html doc :(

Also done (the hide section) I used images here for the links, I may just end up doing this for the main page although its a bugger as it will make load times worst :(
Sorry, I misread your question, I thought you meant you'd normally make a ss in the head, but didn't want to this time for some reason.
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