A Huge Favour


May 31, 2003
OK.. this is incredibly cheeky.. so I'll explain myself first..

I've had my GP32 coming up to a year now, but around eight months ago I lost my Internet connection. The only way I can get access is through the public library, or the college..

Now my college has banned game related websites, and the library will not let me save anything to the hard drive on their machines, so as such, I am incredibly limited to what I can and cannot do on my GP32.. and as such it doesn't get played much..

My huge favour to ask is this... (and feel free to slate me) ...if anyone has a broadband connection and a CD-writer, would there be any possible chance that they could possibly burn me a CD of homebrews and emulaters etc.? I'm Willing to pay! Hopefully I'll have the net in around 4 months or so, back at home, but until them I'm so desperate to get my GP32 back into action...

If anyone could help, please send me a private message and I'll be back soon.

Once again, sorry for the cheek, but I'm so frustrated with my situation..

Many thanks in advance, Kai
There are ways to tunnel through those blocks.

Anyway, if you're in the US, I can make you up a couple cds full of GP32 games/emualtors/etc... if you pay shipping. Just send me a nice little PM and we can work something out. If you are not in the US, I would suggest finding someone in your area to send you some things, it would be much faster.
Thanks for the offer but I'm afriad I'm in the UK.. though I'd be more than willing to pay for shipping, CD costs and also a little extra for your time and generosity. :D
If you dont find anyone soon, feel free to PM me, I dont mind sending to another country but it may take a bit longer (customs and all). I wouldnt want money for my troubles or cd's, just whatever it costs to ship to you (maybe put that extra money towards faster shipping :)). Let me know if you dont find anyone else.
May I suggest http://www.tunnelproxy.de for all your "slipping past the fascists" needs ... :ph34r:
TelcoLou posted on Apr 29 2004 at 12:12 PM said:
May I suggest http://www.tunnelproxy.de for all your "slipping past the fascists" needs ... :ph34r:
Thanks - I tried it but unfortunatley it doesn't work!

Access to this web page is restricted at this time.

The Websense category "Proxy Avoidance" is filtered.

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I really don't advise to try to bypass this "security" system. It's possibly to bypass it for sure, but mind the consequences. Here in Germany, if you surpass such a proxy at work, you'll be fired.
Then dont use a website.

If worse comes to worse you can download what you need directly from someones PC via an FTP client. I might be inclined to help you with this if thats how you want to go about it.

Its not right that someone should have a GP32 and not have all of the latest and greatest for it.
Sorry that link didn't work for you :(

I really don't advise to try to bypass this "security" system. It's possibly to bypass it for sure, but mind the consequences. Here in Germany, if you surpass such a proxy at work, you'll be fired.

Same for my job here in the United States. I assumed he was using the PC at the library or school ...
im from the UK and have a CD-writer, i'd be happy to whack everything on a CD and post you a copy

PM me, if possible with a list of what you want - otherwise i'll just whack everything on it :P
Pirotic posted on Apr 29 2004 at 04:34 AM said:
im from the UK and have a CD-writer, i'd be happy to whack everything on a CD and post you a copy

PM me, if possible with a list of what you want - otherwise i'll just whack everything on it :P
Shameless self promotion: Make sure you throw a copy of PerfectFit on there!
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Telcolou - you're right - I am at college.. they're generally easy going though.. the only thing I've been bollocked for before is turning up 5 hours late, and eating by the computers... :sigh:

Pirotic / Akuma no Houken - I have PM'd you both - thanks so much - I can't say how greatful I really am. :D
Right, I have to be off now..

..I'm gonna try and come back quickly in around 3 hours time.. if either of you could PM me back by then that'd be fantastic.

Cheers again, Kai
well, I would help, but it seems they got that all covered
well, if you would like to be smart ( not calling you dumb ) but wait untill the compo is over
then have them ship it, so you can get the best of the newest stuff
if you dont get hooked up in a month ( thats unlikely but.. ) I will get ya one
I burnt out my cd burner and have to get a new power supply , motherboard , and ram first, so it will take a month to get a burner, so call it a contingency plan

Heres a massive thankyou and hug for everyone that's offerred to help. Very few of you have spoken to me before, as I haven't really been around at all, and as such I am incredibly greatful that you guys are offering your help and time.

I've taken a few people up on their offers, because they've offerred me different things. Thanks to everyone that has PM'd me and everyone that's offered me help here on this thread.. I may keep your names for future references... ;)

Many many many thanks...

heres a little bypass that might help instead of http put in https it will most likely work, it works on my schools blocker and firewalls, also jsut keep you pc link and driver on a floppy install when u need to download then copy to your gp and delete it(thats if your at the library or your school) im sure u wont get into much trouble if your caught just say you didnt know and your sorry (those words got me outa many many detentions)