Zodiac Vs Gpx2

xafier posted on Oct 21 2005 at 08:30 AM said:
timeslip posted on Oct 21 2005 at 07:53 AM said:

And its also a reference to my Forum Member Number

six... six six... the number of the beast ;) mate, you better run to the hills before you get me started on Maiden lol they're one of my fav bands ever!

Me too - Maiden and Pink Floyd enough to keep me happy forever
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Josquius posted on Oct 20 2005 at 03:55 PM said:
Pah, commoners.
Suikoden 2 is the true king of playstation RPGs.

I remember talk a while back on another forum of a fan project to remake Suikoden 1 with Suikoden 2 graphics for the GBA...Wonder how it panned out...I bet it got nowhere but would be nifty for the GP2X.
I haven't gotten the opportunity to play Suikoden 2, but from the PS1 RPG's I have played (which is quite a lot) I actually think that final fantasy VIII was that best (yes, thats right, 8!).
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deadlychicken22 posted on Oct 21 2005 at 03:40 PM said:
Josquius posted on Oct 20 2005 at 03:55 PM said:
Pah, commoners.
Suikoden 2 is the true king of playstation RPGs.

I remember talk a while back on another forum of a fan project to remake Suikoden 1 with Suikoden 2 graphics for the GBA...Wonder how it panned out...I bet it got nowhere but would be nifty for the GP2X.
I haven't gotten the opportunity to play Suikoden 2, but from the PS1 RPG's I have played (which is quite a lot) I actually think that final fantasy VIII was that best (yes, thats right, 8!).
I agree with you.
FF8 is way better than that wheelchair guy!
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FF8 is probably THE worst Final Fantasy ever made... well aside from FFX-2 which i just can't bare to play!

It's storyline was just pretty lame compared with all its previous games... it's still a good game, but its definitly not the best FF!
Gandysampras posted on Oct 21 2005 at 06:43 PM said:
i would say 90% of the forum goers here would agree with me when i say that Final Fantasy 7 is the best in the series.

maybe... I personally love them all especially 5, 6, 7 and 9 :)
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Actually, i was very good with FF8's battle system. Especially junction-customising was fun, and collecting the more powerfull spells. Where does one draw Ultima, other than that small village entrance? Of Ultima Weapon, of course. :P
A small Zodiac/GP2X comparison:

The Zodiac is better because it has twice the resolution. Both devices play most videos without conversion and use SD cards for storage (cheap). The Zodiac also has the (small) advantage of having two slots for SD cards. However, the GP2X can be connected to your TV, you have to decide for yourself if you think that feature is usefull to you.

The Zodiac has a nice selection of emulators but I have no doubt that the GP2X will be better at it pretty soon. The GP2X has the advantage of a digital stick, the Zodiac's (slightly buggy) analog stick isn't perfect for 2D games.

PDA/Organizer functions:
You can easily and quickly type texts on the Zodiac's touchscreen using a thumbboard. There is a huge selection of software availiable from Office suites to shopping list keepers and lots more. The GP2X probably won't have much in this category.

Again the Zodiac has the (in this case not too big) advantage of a higher resolution screen. It can display ebooks in many different formats but the GP2X might catch up.

There is quite some Zodiac homebrew stuff but the GP2X will probably get more. However, you have to take the huge amount of Palm homebrew into account so in the end both devices should be about equal.

Commercial Independent Games:
The Zodiac has a number of must have games and then there are a lot more games worth playing. I would like to see similar things on the GP2X but it is very difficult to foresee how much there actually will be. It will be difficult for the GP2X to gain as many developers because most Zodiac games run on more Palm OS devices so developers have quite a large audience. The GP2X will probably sell as many units as the Zodiac (100.000) but it will never sell more than all devices with Palm OS do together.

Both devices use SD. I know the Zodiac's sound quality is great and I guess the GP2X' will be on a similar level. Both use SD cards and support different formats as well as a power saving mode so there isn't really any difference.

Important hardware differences:

Screen: Zod has 480*320, GP2X 320*240
Controlls: Zod has analog stick, GP2X has a digital stick
Battery: Zod has internal battery lasting from 3 hours (heavy use) to ~6 hours (music playback). GP2X has 2 AA batteries lasting from 5 hours (heavy use) to 10 hours (music playback)
Processing power: Zod has one 192 Mhz ARM and a 2D chip. GP2X has 2 200 Mhz ARMs with some 2D hardware, too.
Input: Zod has a touchscreen, GP2X not.
Communication: The Zod has built in Bluetooth for multiplayer and Wifi can be added with an SDIO expansion card (expensive). The GP2X doesn't have any standard multiplayer but it might be possible to connect devices via the ext port or USB or connect bluetooth/wifi hardware. However, it will be difficult to establish a standard solution.
Both devices connect to a PC for data transfer via USB. The Zodiac uses a proprietary cable and software while the GP2X is simply recognized as a standard mass storage device.

It really depends on what you want. Well, it always does... ;)
reallynotnick posted on Oct 22 2005 at 01:18 AM said:
Wow the Zodiac sold that many? Makes me feel bad for not picking one up.

Is that what makes you want something is how many they sold? In that case you should be looking at the DS or PSP instead as they sold millions.
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I don't think the zodiac sold 100,000 units. I'd like to see evidence of that. Real evidence, not just 'someone said this or that'.
Sorry, I don't have any, it's just a good rumor. ;) Sounds pretty realistic to me though. I'll try to investigate further.
@reallynotnick: You shouldn't feel bad because the Zodiac sold good but because of all the great games you missed. Plazmoids!, Warfare Inc, Legacy, Bike or Die, Mazera, Snails, EDGE, I could go on all day...
Please don't go on all day... *chuckles* I think the zodiac is a good system, but it just doesn't suit my tastes. It's kinda like a white disco suit with a tangerine shit and white tie. There's a certain person that'll want it, but I'll pass, thanks.
I'll stick to my jeans and t-shirts, and the GP2X/GP32.
the zodiac looks good, and i have been very tempted by that when it got out...

but i don't have it :D (maybe if i had money at that time :P )

but if it was on linux, more powerful, the GP2X would have NO meaning,
the zodiac has an analog stick, for real :D
it also has a touch screen
it has 2 SD ports so you can use your memory card AND a sdio device ,
and it's cheaper than the GP2x

horsepower and palmOS are it's only defects, don't you think ?
if not, what else? :D
Winterkid posted on Oct 22 2005 at 09:59 AM said:
white disco suit with a tangerine shit
Haha you said shit! :D Is palmos realy a defect? I would have thought the huge software library would be big plus, maybe not for gaming though. Hell, i'm starting to want one now.
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