Zodiac Question


Arguable Idiot
Jan 7, 2005
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I know you either run or are very involved in Zodiac gamer so I was hoping you might know this. I try to keep up in the pocketpc scene and have been hearing somethings about a Zodiac 3. Now with the news that Gamepark might be releasing a new GP32 Extreme, do you or anybody else, know anything about a rumored Zodiac 3? I need to start now saving money and depending on what Tapwave might offer in its next handheld might be a factor of what I buy next.
my goal was to annoy you because your such a dick, if you don't like the topic, don't read it. very simple. And i asked it here because people here now alot of things about almost everything so i figured i'd ask.
i dont wish to take sides here but this is an Other consoles forum, is it not? and i think zodiac classes as an other console dosnt it?

but vimacs kinda right, you could get a better more detailed anwer if you asked at zodiac gamer , thats if you arnt flamed or summink
this is the only message board i use, and 99% of the time i've ever had a question about something, i've posted somewhere on this board and have received an answer. I've visited zodiacgamer, and truthfully, until i was already done typing and submitting this post, i figured it would be better to post on zodiacgamer, but i don't want to sign up, so i asked here.
To be fair, I would have asked here cause I dont fancy becomming part of the community, and if there is a Zodiac 3 I may be interested... Ho hum.

Also Vimacs you do come off as hostile sometimes, he followed the rules, when people ask about modded xboxs you dont slag them off do you. Sigh.
the thing that made me angry is that he even mentions zodiacgamer, so he knows where to ask, but he prefers asking in a kind of konkurent board. and iam still annoyd by all the "omg zodiac is teh roxx0r" threds that were here a last year.

Also i think iam often come out to harsh, but i dont want to, its just my limited english knowledge.
You seem to come off harsh in every thread, also I know zodiac isnt liked much around here but its a site with coders/ hardcore gamers and this is a section where people post about other consoles.

You cant hate a console man, also I would avoid ZodiacGamer like the plague after ive seen some of their attitudes, sigh.

I know people dont like coders leaving the gp32 scene and I understand it but the zodiac is a neat little machine and one I might invest in. k?
this is "the other consoles" forum,so he can ask anything he wants about other consoles.it's like having political asylum(sp?) at an embassy.by default,anyone reproaching the poster for asking questions pertaining other consoles is wrong.
spray posted on Feb 4 2005 at 11:04 AM said:
pretty lame argument to say that this is only the only forum you use.

thats a bit like going to france and saying all i've ever spoken is english, why should i need to change now?

how so, i don't have a need for other forums when i can get all my answers here. I don't like signing up for tons of stuff, and by your arguements and Vimacs arguements, then this whole section of board should be shut down. I'm sure there are many PS2, XBOX, SATURN, DREAMCAST, and forums for every other console that ever existed out there to use. Pinkspider is right, this forum is used because most of us are all gamers, and we share a common bond, GP32, and therefore like to ask the other members of the community the questions we have.

If you don't like the topic, then don't read it and reply, its a very easy concept to grasp, and if you can't, then god help you.
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Personally i would start saving all your pennies anyway and take anything you here about all of the future systems, eg, GPX, Zodiac 3, GBA 2 etc with a pinch of salt. Just wait till the systems, Or at least more information about them is available. Which by then, You should have accumulated enough cash to actually purchase the system that warrants your hard saved cash the most.

But then that would be to easy and sensible to do :rolleyes: . But that`s just me. :D

Yes, we know that now if anyone can answer the question? I would like to know without visiting Zodiacgamer, also I may buy a psp if the homebrew ever kicks off... the Zodiac looks sexy though.
PinkSpider posted on Feb 4 2005 at 06:21 PM said:
Yes, we know that now if anyone can answer the question? I would like to know without visiting Zodiacgamer, also I may buy a psp if the homebrew ever kicks off... the Zodiac looks sexy though.

Honestly I wouldn't bother with the Zodiac now. I had a Zodiac 2 and I sold it after 8 months. I gave it a fair chance but I honestly didn't like it, and actually prefer the GP32 now. It really isn't much faster, and the buttons and joystick aren't very comfortable to use, the stick is *very* sloppy for emulation. The games made just for it are mostly very poor and there are very few. Also even homebrew must be signed off on by Tapwave if it uses the features of the system. There are even cases where Tapwave will refuse to sign something if they think it is a legal "grey area" like an emulator. Then there is the hardwired in battery, when it dies you have to send the unit back to the US for replacement. The battery is also constantly draining itself (PDA thing) so you must aways keep after it or you will lose everything in RAM. Battery life is poor when using the CPU near full speed in emus. If you are on the road and the battery goes out you can't just swap in a new set and keep going like the GP32. I think the Zodiac is pretty much a failure and me personally would not buy a future product from them. I would just use the GP32 for emulation and get a PSP for commercial games or wait for the GP32 II, that would be a much better choice.
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KickinWing posted on Feb 4 2005 at 06:01 PM said:
spray posted on Feb 4 2005 at 11:04 AM said:
pretty lame argument to say that this is only the only forum you use.

thats a bit like going to france and saying all i've ever spoken is english, why should i need to change now?

how so, i don't have a need for other forums when i can get all my answers here. I don't like signing up for tons of stuff, and by your arguements and Vimacs arguements, then this whole section of board should be shut down. I'm sure there are many PS2, XBOX, SATURN, DREAMCAST, and forums for every other console that ever existed out there to use. Pinkspider is right, this forum is used because most of us are all gamers, and we share a common bond, GP32, and therefore like to ask the other members of the community the questions we have.

If you don't like the topic, then don't read it and reply, its a very easy concept to grasp, and if you can't, then god help you.

well if its easier for you that makes it alright
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I can see why this is much easier than pming.

Well if you have seen the rumored specs from da_bomber and believe them. Then by all means save up now. :)
Jr2swiss posted on Feb 4 2005 at 10:42 PM said:
I can see why this is much easier than pming.

Well if you have seen the rumored specs from da_bomber and believe them. Then by all means save up now. :)

I thought everyone knew that was fake.
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