I did not thought at the Beginning that i win anything
Thx for the lately comming in this Competition,it was realy a last Minute Entry.
Thx for _WB_ for sharing his Price with us and i promise that i work more on that Dosgamespack.
You all can await Updates/Fixes and more attention to Licences.
The Image will be reworked soon and maybe then are more Games in as in Last Version,but some like Stunts seem
have to be deleted and in next Versions they are not more in.
But dont worry about Stunts,we found a possible Sollution for all to get Stunts on the Pandora back.
A Stunts self downloading and installing Image from the Stunts.hu (they sayed its Freeware and because that download we from them.)
Important is that such Licence uncleared Games are not hosted on the OP Server.
The Competition is over but the work not,there are much work with Qemu and maybe with Dowbos too in near Future.
Commander Beef got my first Mail with a possible Sollution for using IMG Images who should in both Dosbox and Qemu.
This is the first Step to a new Dosbox/Qemu combo PND
Thx to all other Participants,
I love to play with Slackware,I love the Snowman Game and i using the Pandora Image Viewer,its very easy to sort out Images with it
Ant the other Things are very Interresting too.
Very good work from all and Thx for the Votes