Your Votes for the [ Significant Improvement ] Category

What is, in your mind, the Most Significant Improvement made to the following Entries? Please try to

  • SL4P14.1, SOLEIL14.1/SOLA by Linux-SWAT

    Votes: 13 15.1%
  • Cannonball (with track editor) by PtitSeb

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • Snowman Reloaded by Ziz

    Votes: 14 16.3%
  • HackerBooks by Ekianjo

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Anki by Ekianjo

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Stella by SvOlli

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Qjackctl by Canseco

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Atari 800 EX by Commander-beef

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • Zdoom by PtitSeb

    Votes: 8 9.3%
  • Pandora Image Viewer by _wb_

    Votes: 16 18.6%
  • Qemu Dos Games Pack by IngoReis

    Votes: 14 16.3%

  • Total voters

Wow 14 - 14 - 14 - 13 A Race  ^_^  Maybe we need real a Jury  ;)

Edit: Hey my Birthday is on the 14. April ,Lucky Number for me  :)
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I won? Nice!

When I went to sleep last night, the situation was 14-14-14 for those three. I voted for Snowman Reloaded myself, so I must admit that I felt the temptation to be sneaky and change my vote at the last minute to vote for myself so it would become 15-14-13. I'm glad I could resist the temptation!

Anyway, this was a very close race. It was exciting to follow it. But since it was so close, I want to propose something.

The first prize is a 200 EUR voucher, second prize is a 100 EUR voucher, third prize is a 50 EUR voucher, right?

And I won the first prize, right?

In that case I would like to give part of my prize to other participants. I would like to give a 50 EUR voucher to whoever gets third prize, and also a 50 EUR voucher to the fourth place.

That means the judges are effectively no longer needed to decide the prize amounts. Of course we will still need judges if we want to find out who is #2 and who is #3, but in each case both of them will get a 100 EUR voucher. We could also just call it a day and give both of them the #2 spot, I think they both deserve it :) (actually all of the top-4 entries probably deserved the #1 spot)

[now I'm feeling the temptation to not press the "Post" button and just take the 200 EUR prize... thinking about it... thinking some more about it... nah, I don't want to do that, it feels wrong]

Anyway, thanks to everyone to try out entries and for voting! And of course thanks to all the participants! It was a nice competition!
_wb_ - thanks for the comment and the generosity of sharing your prize :)

If that's the case it seem like the split will be :

_wb_ -> voucher of 100 Euro

Ziz -> voucher of 100 Euro

Ingo -> voucher of 100 Euro

Linux-SWAT -> voucher of 50 Euro (50 coming from _wb_)

We will still need judges to make a final decision on who got the 2nd/3rd place, for the form at least, even if it makes no difference for the prizes provided by ED. Note that it will make a difference on the donations split provided by the community still, so it still has some relevancy anyway. 
I did not thought at the Beginning that i win anything  ;)

Thx for the lately comming in this Competition,it was realy a last Minute Entry.

Thx for _WB_ for sharing his Price with us and i promise that i work more on that Dosgamespack.

You all can await Updates/Fixes and more attention to Licences.

The Image will be reworked soon and maybe then are more Games in as in Last Version,but some like Stunts seem

have to be deleted and in next Versions they are not more in.

But dont worry about Stunts,we found a possible Sollution for all to get Stunts on the Pandora back.

A Stunts self downloading and installing Image from the (they sayed its Freeware and because that download we from them.)

Important is that such Licence uncleared Games are not hosted on the OP Server.

The Competition is over but the work not,there are much work with Qemu and maybe with Dowbos too in near Future.

Commander Beef got my first Mail with a possible Sollution for using IMG Images who should in both Dosbox and Qemu.

This is the first Step to a new Dosbox/Qemu combo PND  ;)

Thx to all other Participants,

I love to play with Slackware,I love the Snowman Game and i using the Pandora Image Viewer,its very easy to sort out Images with it  :)

Ant the other Things are very Interresting too. :)

Very good work from all and Thx for the Votes  ;)
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So I won second or third price - yeah!

First of all thanks to all my voters - especially thanks to _wb_ to NOT change his vote back. :P

Secondly thanks to _wb_ to share his first place, nice touch!

But we all know the real winner of this category: Foxblock, who won a voucher about 2x8% of my price voucher, which makes a 16€ voucher for the dragonbox shop! Congratulations! ^^

If the jury decision is in, I will write a bit more, I don't want to affect the judges too much.
I hereby donate my voucher to the developer of the awesome game I have to thank for enabling me to win this voucher, Ziz. (if that makes any sense)

Thanks bud, but keep the money :) (I would not know what to buy with it atm anyway)