All Girigiri Walker players...


Still Fresh
Sep 12, 2003
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Hello, I've slowly been getting addicted to GGW these past few days, however I'm stuck on level 9 where you have the two pick-up-things encased through two levels of brick at the top left.

I know you can dig 1 level holes and shoot but neither seem to be helping me, have I missed some obvious solution???

Please help I need level 10 :P
erm don't know the level but if u need to dig deeper u need at least 2 spaces to make an extra hole, the space u stand in and a space next 2 you, so to go down 2 levels u need to make 2 holes next to eachother drop down and then u can make a hole, the more levels u need to dig down the more space you'll need on the top level since you'll loose a space for evey level u dig down into,

im not completely sure what u mean but from what i've played most of the girigiri levels are quite basic so thats the only think i can think that u might not know, if your new to lode runner

and i know that i've worded it crap but hopefully you can make sence of it

oh and is it just me or has the rankings table been removed from their site
Makes sense to me, thanks!!!!! Scoreboard here I come :D

The ranks are there but you only see it when you upload your girigiri.dat.
well thats annoying, don't wana upload a file just to view the board, are people playing it, have the scores changed at all
I think the top atm is level 17, maybe if we get more people using it the webmaster will do something more and add it to the front page :D

EDIT: Just though I'd add a link to the website so anyone reading who doesnt know now will :P

Personally I plan on uploading my girigiri.dat (I think it must be in lower case) often to see where I'm at :)

tAiLzOnE download
well i actually had another go (while waiting for a dvd to burn) and happened to finish it this time, its just 20 levels, so decided to upload my dat, score board looked the same as when i last saw it
bradley posted on Sep 13 2003 at 01:38 AM said:
score board looked the same as when i last saw it
This is what I got after just uploading, Yesturday there wasnt a level 20 on it so i guess you are SJK ??

Azure: As far as I can tell, you gotta collect the yellow (beer?) bottles while avoiding the evil purple men (bouncers? :P ). Use A or B to dig little holes that they will get trapped in / you can fall through, and L or R shoot. GL
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u just need to collect all the gold asap, the longer u take the faster the enemies get so the harder they are to avoid

make use of the digging to trap enemies or to reach levels below u, and thats about it

tips would be

make a point to grab the gold at the top of the screen sooner than later as when u kill an enemy they spawn at the top of the screen, and if u leave the top ones the monsters would have started to pickup speed and you'll have to kill them more often and they'll just constantly get in the way

other things are, when u kill them shooting is usually easyer but sometimes u want a delay so they don't respawn as quick so then u trap them in a hole instead, so its not always good just to shoot them

when u play a level a few times you should find some bits of gold are harder to get than other eg might require a long fall which means u could land on an enemy if they are to close, u treat these areas the same as the gold at the top of the level, get them first

if your up for a challenge and u use mame grab lode runner the dig fight and play in 2 player coop mode, probably the best 2 player version of lode runner ever made, working out how to do each level can be quite hard
bradley posted on Sep 12 2003 at 07:29 PM said:
u just need to collect all the gold asap, the longer u take the faster the enemies get so the harder they are to avoid

make use of the digging to trap enemies or to reach levels below u, and thats about it

tips would be

make a point to grab the gold at the top of the screen sooner than later as when u kill an enemy they spawn at the top of the screen, and if u leave the top ones the monsters would have started to pickup speed and you'll have to kill them more often and they'll just constantly get in the way

other things are, when u kill them shooting is usually easyer but sometimes u want a delay so they don't respawn as quick so then u trap them in a hole instead, so its not always good just to shoot them

when u play a level a few times you should find some bits of gold are harder to get than other eg might require a long fall which means u could land on an enemy if they are to close, u treat these areas the same as the gold at the top of the level, get them first

if your up for a challenge and u use mame grab lode runner the dig fight and play in 2 player coop mode, probably the best 2 player version of lode runner ever made, working out how to do each level can be quite hard
oh, that makes thing much more clearer. Sometimes when I push a button, a lock on thing appears or something like that and locks onto some of the enemies. What is this and how do I use it?
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The "lock on thing" i'm pretty sure is just there so you can more easily see where the characters are at any given moment, I think mainly intended for non-FLU users.
If i'm not mistaken, the enemies get faster when you kill them, as well as over time?
yea the lock on thing just helps u keep track on enemy positions, if they are on the same space as the gold or on a ladder they can be a little harder to see so it can help

i don't know if the enemies get quicker sooner if killed looks like they might, but if u have to take a longer route around the level to avoid killing them it probably works out just as bad, but avoiding killing them when its not needed is probably a good idea