Your Input Required


The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
Hi folks,

I need your input here, here is my dilemma:

The present compatibility list, when a new version of an EMU is introduced the present game version data is kind of null and void, in other words when a new version of DrMD is released, all the present working games all become unknown. I put a routine which showed the last version data displayed as "Last version it worked OK or whatever" to help people see what was okay last time around but when two versions get released close to each other, a lot of games become unknown......

This is my suggestion: Forget the individual version data, only have one list of working games. When a New version of the Emu is released, it's up to the users to say it is not working if it worked last time. I think this is better than having 100% of games going to UNKNOWN when a new version of an emu is released. To be honest, 99% of the games that worked last time will work with the next version. It will still be up to the community to update what works and what doesn't, but at least we won't have to go through hundreds of games to set the status every time a new version is released....

What do you think?

If you have a better idea then please let me know before I write the control code etc.


edit: If you think the above is okay, then please also let me know, otherwise I'm only going to get feedback from people saying "Nah, I think blah blah blah or whatever"
Sounds great. You should put a link to the compatibilty site back into your sig, as it prompts people to contribute when you post.
Sounds good to me. Re-checking every single title would be unnecessarily tedious.

- Alex
Axeman posted on Feb 28 2006 at 10:54 PM said:
Good idea. Like you said, 99% of games work on successive version, so shouldnt be a problem...
Hia Axe, (And the other posters) Thank you for rescuing me from the mad multi version madness.....

Okay, I will go with the single game status mode. I think the emu's will only have one version number too, the latest one. I found with having lot's of versions it can get confusing.. great for devs but not much use for the people these lists are intended for...

Phew, on to the design of the site then... Do you lot have any colour schemes in mind? Let me know.... I have a super scheme in mind already, but suggestions would make it intersting.
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have the emu(name,console,version)-black
game -if the game works- green
-if it kinda runs(like it runs full speed w/o sound)-blue
-if it wont play-red
imo a simple but effective scheme (i know, im very creative)
I disagree. As programs get tighter or larger, especially in something as volatile as an emulator, you should not guarantee certain roms work on successive versions. Things can break. You have these people out there who test virtually the whole ROM set and put their findings on the wiki. That means they have these roms and are able to test them freely. I would propose that you'd have a page listing all of the roms and make a copy of it (remove all feedback) with every version change and have the people fill it up again for each new version. Once the respective emulator gets much more stable then something like this would not be necessary.. but for something like the PSX emulator, I think for the time being it would be much less confusing and a much more accurate report to the general population.
xorg posted on Mar 1 2006 at 06:58 AM said:
I disagree. As programs get tighter or larger, especially in something as volatile as an emulator, you should not guarantee certain roms work on successive versions. Things can break. You have these people out there who test virtually the whole ROM set and put their findings on the wiki. That means they have these roms and are able to test them freely. I would propose that you'd have a page listing all of the roms and make a copy of it (remove all feedback) with every version change and have the people fill it up again for each new version. Once the respective emulator gets much more stable then something like this would not be necessary.. but for something like the PSX emulator, I think for the time being it would be much less confusing and a much more accurate report to the general population.

That is presently how it works, or rather doesn't work. People just don't update a thousand roms each time a version update happens. I still think it's better to leave the status as is and let people update them as they get around to checking them (Working or not), instead of everything suddenly going to "Status Unknown". Look at the latest GP32 DrMD on the compatibility list and you will see what I mean:
DrMD List
It looks like almost nothing works on it, and that is only because nobody updated the games status after the last version number.
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PSyMastR posted on Mar 1 2006 at 04:51 AM said:
change that blue to yellow. So its kind of like a traffic light.
Okay I have come up with a new design for the way games are listed, how about this:

The status is colour coded:
Grey = Unknown
Red = Not Working
Blue = Works but may have problems
Green = Working fine.

Edit: Blue has now been changed to Yellow.
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nickspoon posted on Mar 10 2006 at 07:00 PM said:
Yellow would be better than blue for that, as it stands out more. Blue looks too much like grey.
I quite like the convention used by whoever set up this compatibility list:

Grey = Untested Has not yet been tested.

Green = Works Full speed, no noticeable problems.

Orange = Mostly Works Playable, but with noticeable glitches, or not playable because of speed, with no glitches.

Purple = Barely Works Glitches or speed make game unplayable, but it will boot.

Red = Doesn't Work Will not boot, or crashes on boot.
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critical posted on Mar 10 2006 at 07:04 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Mar 10 2006 at 07:00 PM said:
Yellow would be better than blue for that, as it stands out more. Blue looks too much like grey.
I quite like the convention used by whoever set up this compatibility list:

Grey = Untested Has not yet been tested.

Green = Works Full speed, no noticeable problems.

Orange = Mostly Works Playable, but with noticeable glitches, or not playable because of speed, with no glitches.

Purple = Barely Works Glitches or speed make game unplayable, but it will boot.

Red = Doesn't Work Will not boot, or crashes on boot.
That's kewl, only I want to keep this really simple, I think Unknown, Not Working, Working with probs and Working okay is enough.
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