Your favourite ROM hacks


Always Dreaming
May 19, 2011
Houston, Tx.
I was hunting round the net a few days ago and came across some rom hacks for the sonic games, I've known about this kind of hack for a few years but had just forgotten about them.

The ones I had played before we're of generally low quality such as sprite or pallet switches, but I came across Sonic 2 Heroes and found myself utterly addicted, playing as Sonic, Tails and Knuckles and being able to switch between them in play, hell if they had just done new levels this could've been the game sonic 4 should have been.

There are many others and just wondered what your favourites were.

Important: as per the rules please no links to roms.
Not really played many, from memory i can only think of Mario Bros ones, which were alright but personally prefered the originals
I rather enjoyed the VERY devious "The Adventures of Bass II", which is a Mega Man 2 hack which changes almost all of the levels (it's not possible to hack some parts of the game, apparently), as well as some of the art and pretty much all of the palettes. It's quite old (it was released in September of 2001!), so it's not as fancy as some of the more recent ones, but to be honest, I found it much more fun than most of the highly-flashy ones that I've come across. In fact, it's the first (and so far only) hack that I've ever felt compelled to finish - and I did so on my Pandora, of course!

I also quite liked "Mega Man 4 - Gadget Master", which is a pretty extensive hack of Mega Man 4, but I haven't really had the time to try to finish this one yet.

There's also the brilliant Super Mario Bros. hack, " which is insanely well-made.

All of that said, I'm not really that big on ROM hacks, so those are all of the ones that I've ever really found interesting! :P
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I once got started on a ROM hack of Pokémon Gold, never quite finished it but I changed the starters and gave the main character an afro.
ive finished most of the sonic hacks that are fairly polished, i was hoping to find a few more good edits.

some pokemon ones are good, like eliminating the need to trade which comes in handy on the pandora i find, its a shame that the more polished hacks seem overlooked.
I just d/l that Mari0 bros/Portal rom hack from stabyourself site, the video of it looks mad, im looking forward to giving that a play
I don´t like rom hacks at all but there is a couple exception and it is not a rom.

It is a Prince of Persia (the original) hacked to be even harder, levels remade and all, love that one.

Second is Stunt Car Racer on the amiga, called New Tracks. All love to these crazy people. :wub:

edit: I wish Karateka and Conan had the same treatment!
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I've played a couple of Sonic hacks which were pretty good. And some new "map packs" for Mario Kart SNES.
Never really used them.

I heard about some modified Phantasy Star 1 on Sega Master System that is very good.

I enjoyed this game years ago, so i may try it.
That sounds cool, I was looking at if there have been any PS1 game hacks, I'd like to see MGS1 playing as the ninja, could just transplant it from the vr missions or something.

May give the Phantasy Star hack a go, I'm about to start the series after finding a copy in birmingham market for the princely sum of one pound.