You Know What Everyone Needs


Notices Two Things
Mar 10, 2006
In a cave.
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Someone needs to make a game about World War II. I mean we can't have enough games about World War II can we? I'm sure that if someone made a game about World War II everyone would like it. I bet if you made a game like Battlefield 1942 for the GP2X or Pandora it would be like the most totally awesome game about World War II ever!

If you haven't figured it out yet. I post this in jest because I am really hopped up on caffeine and I'm bored as hell.

Hmm... the game about playing brave nazi's fanatics for supreme goal sounds nice. I got a nice Idea of game called "Nazi Party"(like mario party)
4 players walks around nazi camp and having minigames executing prisoners
The minigames like:

"Tank racing on race track covered with dimobilised wounded soldiers"

"Throwing starved prisoners"

"Bet on prisoner, lock them in gas chamber with only one gas mask"

"Painting Hilter's portrait"

"Who will do more executions"

and much more...

WWII never was that fun
i would love to see a WWII sub sim like silent hunter on the pandora but not sure of any open source sub sims not to mention for arm lol

if not il stick to wolfenstien :P
two words:

Zeppelin Combat

I wish I could stop, but there is so much more, like the guns so big it takes two railroads to fly them in .

Or maybe there could be an enigma machine plot where you collect up the code discs and find the codebook, then get a radio and start decoding the broadcasts :D

The real problem with these games is the lack of ingenuity in the story, with the focus being on the shooting. It would be sweet if there was a game for the Pandora with an engineering storyline.

Maybe V2 rockets and that "skipping rock" bomb dropping plane could be in it, and actually used.

Never mind World War one and Two, how about alternate history with steam powered tanks and magnetic rail guns? (permanent magnet, not coil).

Maybe I am just crazy, or maybe I could just download these programs to watch :)
Mutilator said:
Never mind World War one and Two, how about alternate history
havent we got that already with red alert

eww, real-time-strategy, I feel dirty, must go bathe.

Seriously though, I can't stand RTS or Turn based, or any strategy at all (one possible reason being that I suck, another theory is that I have way too much real strategy in my life and I can't unwind by playing a strategy game.)

If that is your cup of tea, so be it. I just meant it might be fun to fire a dual rail gun at some people or use an enigma machine or bouncing dam buster in a video game. Or maybe use some of the other funky german hardware that was never used (IE alternate history).

Maybe I just want a game called Funky German Hardware :huh: , uh, I may have said too much.
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You know what everyone really needs?


What the world needs now
is love, sweet love
it's the only thing
that there's just too little of
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omg rico... I freaking love you mate!!!

Also: I am sick and tired of world war 2 games... after a while it just got boring.

Firstoff: War really isn't that much fun if your grandparents actually started it and killed millions of people...
Secondly: World War 2 games tend to be shooters that somehow all feel like you were playing saving private ryan... It's not that they are badly made or not original, it's just that there is so many of them... bah.

If I see one more sequel to call of duty or medal of honour I am going to puke my guts out.

Then again, I liked the commandos series a lot. There was something about knifing nazi soldiers from behind, dragging their bodies onto a huge pile and then infiltrating their base... I guess I am just really tired of the fps games.

@quasist: Can you stop being an asshole please? I think I'd actually like you to be banned... your posts become more offensive day by day.
xnopasaranx said:
omg rico... I freaking love you mate!!!

Also: I am sick and tired of world war 2 games... after a while it just got boring.

Firstoff: War really isn't that much fun if your grandparents actually started it and killed millions of people...
Secondly: World War 2 games tend to be shooters that somehow all feel like you were playing saving private ryan... It's not that they are badly made or not original, it's just that there is so many of them... bah.

If I see one more sequel to call of duty or medal of honour I am going to puke my guts out.

Then again, I liked the commandos series a lot. There was something about knifing nazi soldiers from behind, dragging their bodies onto a huge pile and then infiltrating their base... I guess I am just really tired of the fps games.

@quasist: Can you stop being an asshole please? I think I'd actually like you to be banned... your posts become more offensive day by day.
...but, but, but! COD4 has russians and generic middle easterners! refreshens genre!!!!!!
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Rico said:
You know what everyone really needs?

What the world needs now
is love, sweet love
it's the only thing
that there's just too little of
Wow, strong words from a guy whose avatar is packing 2 Guns!

:lol: :lol:

I have never played ANY World War 1 or 2 game, so suck on that!

Oh, I guess my friends and I played a little one day on the PSX, just mentioning because I know I posted here previously that I did and a simple forum search could turn it up.
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xnopasaranx said:
@quasist: Can you stop being an asshole please? I think I'd actually like you to be banned... your posts become more offensive day by day.
He's got a point though, games about real-life wars are distasteful no matter how you put it :)
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xnopasaranx said:
@quasist: Can you stop being an asshole please? I think I'd actually like you to be banned... your posts become more offensive day by day.
I mentioned some geniune ideas for WWII game. You just too pussy to accept it. Topic is "You know what everyone needs". If someone is "asshole" here - that's you because you chat unconstructive criticism on original gaming ideas B)
It seems you have been bullied at school :). There a nice wad of doom named "Doom School" or something, I believe that will help you relax a bit
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quasist said:
Hmm... the game about playing brave nazi's fanatics for supreme goal sounds nice. I got a nice Idea of game called "Nazi Party"(like mario party)
4 players walks around nazi camp and having minigames executing prisoners
The minigames like:

"Tank racing on race track covered with dimobilised wounded soldiers"

"Throwing starved prisoners"

"Bet on prisoner, lock them in gas chamber with only one gas mask"

"Painting Hilter's portrait"

"Who will do more executions"

and much more...

WWII never was that fun

Nice sarcasm ^_^
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quasist said:
xnopasaranx said:
@quasist: Can you stop being an asshole please? I think I'd actually like you to be banned... your posts become more offensive day by day.
I mentioned some geniune ideas for WWII game. You just too pussy to accept it. Topic is "You know what everyone needs". If someone is "asshole" here - that's you because you chat unconstructive criticism on original gaming ideas B)
It seems you have been bullied at school :). There a nice wad of doom named "Doom School" or something, I believe that will help you relax a bit

LOL, like your style.
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Its not like there was exactly a "flood" of cod4 games, cod2 was a 360 launch title.
What about a hindenburg crash survivor, or dora the exploder cannon operator game?