Yet More Problems With A Crappy Sony Product


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
For anyone who thinks I'm some big Sony fanboy, here is further evidence that I'm not... actually, at the rate things are going (a defective PSX, a defective PS2, three PSP's with problems, and now THIS...) I'm starting to wonder if I would ever want to buy another Sony product again.

About 8 mos ago I bought a new PS One combo pack with the 5" LCD Sony screen. Now... I have barely even used this thing, maybe a total of 6-8 hours of play time on it... right after I bought it I found out how to softmod my Xbox so that was the system I played all the time, then I got a GP32 and then a DS and PSP... so have had plenty to keep me busy at work. But today I finally got a couple new PSX games I'd been looking for for a while and so decided to bring that to work with me tonite... well... wonderful little thing, now the backlight of the LCD has stopped working.

Well... the thing is already out of warranty (only 3 mos)... I figured, you know... knowing Sony... I should go have a look around, and sure enough, on the internet, places like or whatever, are tales all over the place of people having the exact same problem. And yet I bet that Sony will NOT do anything about it, will probably claim it's somehow my fault, and will want to charge me up the butt to fix it.

So I'm f'ing pissed... WTF Sony is it so hard to make ONE single f'ing game product that doesnt have problems within a year?!?!?!?\

Rant over...
Too bad, sucks for you. That's strange, because I've never had a problem with a Sony product, including the PS2 which I've had from day of launch. Actually, my PS1 is a little worse for wear, but I didn't exactly treat that right, what with the constant disk swapping and all...
yep had problems with ALL of my sony systems up to now, except I think my very first PSX 1000 that I had modchipped? but I only had that one for about a year.

I guess the PS One itself has technically been problem free, it's the screen that came with it having the problem, but the system is working just fine. As well it should, since I've hardly touched it....
PlayStation drives seem to mess up after a year and a half on average. My own PS2 never had anything wrong, but in our family one PS2 and two PS1 cd drives have just stopped working.
Sony wise, I've had:

PS1 (bought Christmas of launch) - after about 2 years you could not put a memory card in as it always caused the controller to port to say 'disconnected'. Sony replaced it at a cost of £50. Scandalous.

PS2 - Bought it second hand from local junk shop (about a year after launch). Never had any problems.Sold now.

PSP - Superb. No problems. Yet.

Sony Handy Cam - still going strong today. Great piece of kit- especially since I got it at a fraction of the cost due to an Amazon error.

I cant tell you how many PS2 pads I've been through though. Me and my mates must mash them pretty hard.
most other Sony products I"ve had have been excellent in terms of quality. The one BIG non game product that I have had problems with is my 27" Vega TV.

First off... it's got a dead pixel :D :P NO JOKE it actually really does!!! but the main problem is that the speakers are really shoddy, they can't even take 1/3 of the TV's full volume, and even at low volumes they have never been able to handle bassy sounds at all and will rattle and crackle when there's any bass to speak of. Occasionally they start to emit this high pitched whistle noise for no apparent reason and then stop after a while. Also, and this happened with three different Vega's... just like a modern day PSP owner I kept taking them back and exchanging them... the picture quality at the sides of the screen, a border of about 3", is HORRIBLE, it's very blurry and it has this greenish tint, very obvious on a white screen (used to always notice it during the Dreamcast startup screen). Pretty crappy for what was an $800 top of the line TV back when we bought it... the Vega's were the last step before going projection/plasma/HD...
One of my brothers is on his third ps2 (each replacing the previous one) after the previous two died out of warranty with dead laser mechanisms.

I personally only own one sony product, A sony clie sj30 palm device, Two if you count a pair of walkman headphones. Although i did own a ps1 and a mini disc recorder way back, Which never gave me any problems.

I do try to avoid buying sony products if i can help it, I always try to look for alternatives, As i hate being sucked into propriotry crap. (look at the state of the memorystick technology) How many different types/shapes of memorystick do we need for gaud sake :blink: .

Sony have some good technology, often poorly implemented and marketed. Ironically it looks like Sony might get shafted over their Blu-Ray DVD technology despite it being far superior to the potential rival, HD-DVD - it's the Beta/VHS scenario all over again! :rolleyes:
Same here one original's psx after 3 months would only read the discs if upside down. My mothers had 2 sony videos both bust just after a year(outside warranty :rolleyes: )
Although her original sony walkman one must be over 20 years old still works :P
Good Technology, great looks, shame about the manufacturing part :P
sony's notorious for making flimsy shit.
i've gone through THREE ps2s(not all new, though), and all my friends had one jack up on them at least...cept for this one guy whose unit is still going strong since launch..
went through our original ps1 in about 2 years also, and i have some other sony junk that's not so great.

and if you ever opened up your ps2 you'll see how crappy it's made(the ribbons, etc...). even the new slim ps2s suck, the cd cover is made of flimsy plastic and the whole thing isn't very durable. i haven't had any problems with other systems as much as the damn ps2, too. i don't treat my stuff roughly, either!

i expect my psp to go down on me in about a year, too :D i don't wanna baby it anymore..
Hehe, Right! Sony has real bad quality nowadays. My buddy has his third PS2 now, as his first 2 PS2s refused to read any disks after ~18 months (so out of warranty), and not to mention his SONY VAIO PC. The DVD drive in his PC is dead, too.

But SONY used to have good quality. I have a Walkman, an MD player and a Discman made by SONY, and tehy still work allthough they have been droped very hard several times.
bast525 posted on Apr 20 2005 at 05:57 AM said:
And yet I bet that Sony will NOT do anything about it, will probably claim it's somehow my fault, and will want to charge me up the butt to fix it.
No no, don't be silly, it's a product feature put in on purpose that the developers have to work around.
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Never had a problem with a Sony product...

got a PSX when they first came out and thats still playing games like new.. also got a PS2 thats about 3 - 4 years old and that plays games like new...
my friends PS2 is like completly dead it gives off a black fuzzy picture makes loud noises when trying to read a disk and he took good care of it. So Im guess somethign is wrong w/ the CD drive in it and the video output.

we haven't tried to fix it because we are lazy maybe we should google it...

oh yeah and my cousin had the disk read error but I fixed that well thought I did buut it came back so he sold it
mattmagoo posted on Apr 21 2005 at 09:28 PM said:
just so everyone knows DO NOT BUY any VAIO products

i work in Staples and almost all of the VAIO stuff has been returned because the quality is appauling

i've had a vaio pc myself, and that thing sucked bad. it had cheap components, and the casing/arrangement was horrible if you ever wanted to upgrade.
this is an old model, though.
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mattmagoo posted on Apr 21 2005 at 09:28 PM said:
just so everyone knows DO NOT BUY any VAIO products

i work in Staples and almost all of the VAIO stuff has been returned because the quality is appauling

lol my dad bought his vaio from staples and the mouse only worked in verticles from the first time he got it. we tryed to return it but staples denied that the mouse was covered by guarantee and coaxed my technology excluded dad to buy a microsoft executive leather optical mouse for 35 quid.
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I love my psp, but that dead pixel in the middle of the screen.....

Oh well :(
Nova posted on Apr 22 2005 at 12:58 PM said:
mattmagoo posted on Apr 21 2005 at 09:28 PM said:
just so everyone knows DO NOT BUY any VAIO products

i work in Staples and almost all of the VAIO stuff has been returned because the quality is appauling

lol my dad bought his vaio from staples and the mouse only worked in verticles from the first time he got it. we tryed to return it but staples denied that the mouse was covered by guarantee and coaxed my technology excluded dad to buy a microsoft executive leather optical mouse for 35 quid.


at are store we exchange whatever, noone really cares

my manager is 20 and everyone else is a student, so noone gives 2 shits
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