

La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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I completed Diablo last night, I was amazingly suprised at how easy killing him was! And the end was well ok...
It was just strange. It ended so suddenly. I think something that would've made the ending supurb would be if you could;ve seen all your kills etc al the different types of kills and stuff in a big table at the end. Like the end of postal 2 or after a level on dungeon keeper. I definatly preferred the ending of dungeon keeper. I might start pleying hellfire and maybe even diablo 2 but games are just to bloody time consuming tbh.
Hellfire is okay. You get another class which is Monk - he's just a mix of Sorceror and Warrior though really. The two extra dungeons are okay. If time is limited I'd say go for Diablo 2 instead. Have you got the Lord Of Destruction expansion pack to go with it? It adds two new classes, a new act and tonnes of new weapons. I believe both parts are on budget now (I should hope so as they're four years old!).
i haven't played diablo 1 battle.net in a long time so i am not sure
but deffenently get diablo 2
it is worth it