Yay! Got my GP32!


Still Fresh
Nov 8, 2003
Yay! I got my GP32 for Christmas, and I must say that it is fantastic! :)

The thing was incredibly easy to get working, and I've tried several emulators, all of which work as they should. :D Doom is amazing, and so is GpScumm. With very little research I was able to flash the unit with MultiFw, which is great too. :)

I'm just experimenting at the moment, but I'd like to say a big "thank you" everybody at these boards. Many posts on this forum have been very educational, and I've found this place an extremely valuable resource to help me get everything running smoothly. Thank you! :D

eh... yeah... pointless thread... sorry... :unsure:
Thanks, and I'm sure me and my GP32 have many happy times ahead of us. ;)

Sorry for seeming a bit over-excited, it's just such a neat little thing!
got mine for Christmas too! (although I had a little test of it when it 1st arrived :-) )

got a few smc cards as well

currently playing Indie Jones ATFOA on gpscumm, Doom (with new Wads), loads of c64, snes and st games.

Got 1 smc full of doom wads and all the old lucasarts games (mk1 & 2, dott, sam 'n max, indie4) - by the way does the DIG work on gpscumm, I couldn't find a .000 or .001 file on the DIG cd?

got another full of c64, speccy and snes games

and got a third full of atari st games

best thing I've bought in ages - mates are thinking of getting one - although my wife thinks I use the gp32 too much already. But at least I can be in the same room as her now when she's watching east enders/coronation street et all instead of being stuck on the PC ;-)