[Yapp] Pandora Nightmares?

Have you ever had a Pandora Nightmare?

  • Nope. Never.

    Votes: 48 75.0%
  • Yes, but not about that.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • Yep, it was pretty much like that.

    Votes: 6 9.4%

  • Total voters


Jan 19, 2010
I figured it was about time to annoy my fellow Na'vi with a poll... okay, not really. I'm serious here, these things have me freaking out.

For the past few weeks, as we've gotten closer to everything coming together, I've had a terrible recurrent dream of excitedly receiving my Pandora in the mail, taking a lame video with my phone of the unboxing, and turning it on, to see...

Nothing. Either nothing, or some interjection from random firings of my neurons, such as "Kernel Panic: not syncing" or "mainboard failure; check for damage" or a screenful of Japanese characters.

Each time, I am just as excited, and I am just as dejected when it doesn't work.

The point of this thread: have you had such dreams, and mostly, am I alone in worrying that my Pandora may possibly be DOA? Damaged during shipping, perhaps, or through some other by-product of someone having screwed the pooch?

I'm not saying it's a rational concern, I'm saying it's a fear I have, nestled deep within my Pandora-anticipating neurons. :/
No. You're a nutter.

The devices are going to be tested, and a handheld is durable enough to withstand quite a bit of mishandling in shipping.
you haven't had the dream where a big gang of bikers turn up and steal your Pandora just as you take delivery? or the one where the room suddenly fills with water and kills it?, or the one where the postman delivers a parcel that's on fire and won't let you have it until you sign for it as undamaged?, or the one where you are about to turn it on and you die? or the zombies spring up and snatch it? or it turns into a crude facsimile made of mud and twigs in your hands? or you open it to find there's just chips and a pie inside the case? or .....

phew!, I thought I was the only one getting stressed

ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship!.............................

hobbyman II said:
you haven't had the dream where a big gang of bikers turn up and steal your Pandora just as you take delivery? or the one where the room suddenly fills with water and kills it?, or the one where the postman delivers a parcel that's on fire and won't let you have it until you sign for it as undamaged?, or the one where you are about to turn it on and you die? or the zombies spring up and snatch it? or it turns into a crude facsimile made of mud and twigs in your hands? or you open it to find there's just chips and a pie inside the case? or .....

phew!, I thought I was the only one getting stressed

ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship! ship!.............................


LOL! If you've actually had these dreams, you make me feel a bit better! Lol.
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borgqueenx said:
Trevsweb said:
nah i'm normal.. just casual criag/ed sex orgy dreams.. :ph34r:
yapr. (yet another pointless reply) :P

black kettles are looking in your direction
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I occasionally have Pandora dreams. One time it arrived and it was pretty much like my Dingoo. I was all like pretending to be well chuffed even though it was a bit pants. I've had others that I can't recall right now.

I've never had a Pandora nightmare. I fairly frequently get pretty horrific nightmares that have me waking up screaming in the middle of the night, so I'll happily trade a few of those for your Pandora nightmare if you're game? :P
I couldn't find a dream-thread so this will have to do.

Last night, I dreamed of EvilDragon, fully dressed as a pirate (real badass, he should try it) who was preparing to do a presentation on Augmented Reality. He explained it to another pirate who completely looked like Oliver Korittke, but also dressed as a pirate. And they used a big-ass videowall (or big ass-videowall for you xkcdlers) for trying stuff.
I only had one actual pandora related dream that i can remember. But it was pretty disturbing.

In my dream i met Exophase in Marks & Spencer's. He was a friendly, clean cut, excessively normal guy in a suit who only seemed interested in the weather and local politics.

It still haunts me.