Yafl Stopped Working


Jan 5, 2004
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I am using Aquafishs MFW 5.01 with YAFL 0.3 built in. However, yesterday it stoped working on both of my SMCs. It always resets the GP if I try to launch a .fxe, or to save my settings. However, other programms are able to save, and the EUROFW doesn´t have a problem launching fxes. I also tried reformating several times (both SMCs!), but with no avail. I also made sure to use fxes that i knew should be working (because i launched them via YAFL before!). Can someone help me?
hmm, dann ist deine einzigste Chance ne andre Firmeware zu flashen (nimm die von Slubman und nimm yafl 0.1!!!)

vielleicht brauchte Yafl 0.3 irgendwelche Config-datein, die du vielleicht gelöscht hast...

kanns mir auch nicht erklären :blink:
I also tried YAFL as a standalone fxe. It didn´t work, either. Could it be possible, that somehow my EEPROM information got corrupted? I can´t understand why YAFL doesn´t work at all, but other launchers like Pacrom, Slubman´s Comander and EUROFW work without any problems.

EDIT: and it´s still gettin´mysteriouser! YAFL 0.1 and 0.2 work flawlesly. So the problem is not caused by some SMC errors, as YAFL 0.2 also writes to the GPETC folder. So i launched 0.2, launched a file.The program loaded, I turned the GP off. Voilá, YAFL.cfg file there. But when i tried to launch a program from within 0.3 (FW built in and fxe), it still reseted and the cfg file was gone. Sp whats wrong then?

Does someone know, where i can get Aquafishs MFW 4.8? perhaps that one works better!
strange problem :blink:
for the mfw 4.8, you can found it at www.gp32spain.com for the moment :)
Horscht posted on Oct 24 2004 at 11:03 AM said:
thanks, is there some way to erase the EEPROM information?
Don't worry about the EEPROM, YAFL doesn't store anything in there.

I've heard about things like this happening to a couple of other people before, but I've never managed to reproduce the problem or find a fix for it. It sometimes seems to be caused by adding or removing fxe's from the card so you could maybe try removing stuff you don't use anymore.
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well, i tried reformating several times.

EDIT: Now fuck it! I´am going to die right now! Just when you think it can´t get worse, it just gets worse. Now YAFL 0.2.1 ALSO stoped working. Now only 0.1 works. And thats probably just a matter of hours! What should i do?

oh, and did I mention that YAFL 0.3/0.2.1 also crashes when i select the menu-items where there are supoosed to open filebrowsers?
I also tried several FW´s now (Aquafish MFW5.01, 4.8 and GPBIOS) all return the same result
ok here it goes:

YAFL 0.3 works again. However, for some reason, it will work on my SMC that has a lot of programs on it (including Slubmans Comander), but not on my 2nd SMC that has only Slubmans comander on it. However, the 2nd SMC works, if i put all the files from my first SMC onto it. So It´s pobably a bug in YAFL. But what i amgoing to do now is, I will download Aquafishs MFW4.8 again, and let my first SMC boot into YAFL, the second one into EUROFW or Slubmans comander or Pacrom.

However, It would be good, if you could try to track that bug down, woogal. I hope you manage to fix it.
No, Both SMC´s work, If they have the same content. Im not sure if it has to be exactly the same files, or if it is just one certain file that has to be on the SMCs. Its really weird.
Horscht posted on Oct 24 2004 at 06:30 PM said:
No, Both SMC´s work, If they have the same content. Im not sure if it has to be exactly the same files, or if it is just one certain file that has to be on the SMCs. Its really weird.
It certainly is, and it also sounds very similar to problems others have had :(. I'm planning quite a few updates to YAFL that will require quite a bit of code changes, so I'm hoping I can either track down the bug or it might just go away :).
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allright, I found out, that I need a folder called "PUZZLMIX" on my SMC (under GPMM). Perhaps this can help you to track that bug down.