Xroar 0.20b Released


Certified Guru
Nov 9, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Xroar 0.20b is available from http://www.6809.org.uk/.

It's an excellent Dragon 32/64 and TRS-80 Color Computer 2 emulator for the GP32 (as well as NDS and others) written by Ciaran Anscomb.

I'm not sure why this doesn't get frontpage news but I think it's news worthy as it's one of the few emulators for the GP32 that seems to be supported with updates now and then.

Check out the NDS version too - the touch screen works really well and the speed of emulation is surprisingly good.

Big thanks to Ciaran Anscomb!

(C.A. if you are reading this - I've got some Time Bandit questions for you <_< )
slaanesh said:
(C.A. if you are reading this - I've got some Time Bandit questions for you <_< )

Obviously I had to go off and see why TB didn't work and I've found the bug - expect a fix (along with working chatboard support again!) in the next release :)
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Awesome about the chatboard support again - and I'm very happy that you are still supporting the GP32 as well as the NDS version of Xroar.
I'm actually trying to acquire a chatboard for this very emulator at the moment. I've left a message in the Marketplace however I may as well advertise here as well :)
Yes, as for Time Bandit... well it's my favorite game for the old Dragon/Coco. The TRS-80 CoCo-2 was my very first computer ever and it's where my fascination for technology started. I don't have it anymore but your emulator is really nice and runs so well on the GP32 and NDS.
The NDS version won't boot Time Bandit though.

Just a question - on your webpage you say

The GP32 build is now adapted for speed at the expense of accuracy.

However the GP32 version is clocked at only 80Mhz - you could possibly run at a higher speed and go for a more accurate model? What's the difference between the speed/accurate models?

Also, what's everyone's favourite games?
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Well, the new release is out: chatboard support is back, and Time Bandit works :)

The GP32 build is now adapted for speed at the expense of accuracy.

The stuff the 'fast' build doesn't do shouldn't affect most things: a cpu-intensive sound fix that affects one game (so far), interrupt sync that maybe affects one more and now some even more obscure low level stuff that I'm pretty sure nobody will ever have touched outside of tiny test code. It's also missing the more accurate NTSC cross-colour stuff, which would need specifically rewriting for the GP32 (and I doubt could be made terribly quick).
Awesome - thanks! I love this emulator.
Actually was playing Time Bandit on the NDS the other day. Great fun!

Thanks for adding the chatboard support again - now I just need to locate one.

Does anyone want to sell me a work chatboard for the GP32? Please? :-)