Xmas Gaming Rush 2008


Suit Up!
Jan 29, 2004
Scotland, UK
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Ok, so the next few weeks are packed with great games coming out in the run up to Xmas. And this year seems to have more than normally. So what games are and aren't you all looking forward in the run up to Xmas? This can include games that have come out in the previous few weeks but won't get until xmas.

Me, personally, I'm really looking forward to Mirror's Edge coming out. Knew very little about the game and wasn't even considering it until I downloaded the demo on the XBL Marketplace. It's fantastic. Looks great, plays great and is so easy to get into. A good example of why the XBL MArketplace, and the PSN Network, are great.

Was looking forward to Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts but after playing the demo, I think I'll give it a miss. Just didn't feel right at all.
Left 4 dead
resistance 2
gears 2
little big planet
dead space

Can't decide what to blow my money on, all the new games or in the retro shop that opened 5 minutes from me. They have a massive selection of retro goodness!
Gears of War 2, MK vs DC and SF IV for the 360. Nothing of interest on the Wii, DS or PSP for me. So I'll mostly be gaming on the 360 and the Pandora.
l4d, mirrors edge, lbp, fable 2, fallout 3, dead space, spsace trader marine, gta IV, and many more
Well I'll be getting a Nintendo Wii for Christmas (A bit late, I know!) with Mario Kart and Sonic & Mario Olympics. So looking forward to those games really. Not that new I know, but it will be for me! :P
LBP obviously, Resistance 2, perhaps Valkyria Chronicles, slight chance of getting Sonic Unleashed and that Spyro game, and some others I forget.