Xigon One - Special Cheat ## Lvl Version!


Still Fresh
Jan 22, 2004
edit1: reply to comments- Rocks too fast- I did that to make the game harder. so it's on purpose. ... The collision with the ship you will find is pixle perfect (remember you have wings at the back that stick out a bit, and the front guns will also take hits) ... Aliens behind-- well if it told you where there coming from again makes the game way too easy , and as a hardcore shooter fan I want it as hard as it can be. just play it a few times to get to KNOW the patterns better:)

The Netscape thing.. well all I can say is . how do you download stuff day to day must be a real pain for you.

The music is a tad low but it's very hard for me to change the way the samples are and still keep it working with a GP32. Yes I really need to tone down the upgrade tier one lazer sound FX :)

:o SO you wanted to try it out before i start adding the few bits to it for the GBAX-2004 compo. ( will have more new stuff for compo.)

Here it it. for the next 12 to 24 hours. get it now and play with the MAX weapons, MAX lives MAX speed hahaha..

remember cheaters dont win !

but hey have fun trying :)

normal game will be posted back in it's place by this time tomorow...



All I get when I click on the download link is this:

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...and much more of the same...

I'm getting the whole file in txt form... does anyone know why this is?

HELP! :(
maybe it's your web browser?

I tried it out, and it's comming along great, the one thing I've noticed though is that the music restarts every level, and its a bit on the low side, once you get the laser you can hardly hear it at all.

Maybe a volume adjustment would be possible?
Well, I'm using Netscape 7.0

What I decided to do is to copy and paste the whole thing into a .txt file, then rename it into a .rar file. Hopefully that'll work... :huh:
Thanks, very promising.

Just a few comments:

1. Some of the rocks coming down are a little too fast.

2. Collision detection between rocks and ship is too sensitive, sometimes
I am hit although the rock hasn't reached the ship yet

3. How about an indicator when an enemy attack pattern is coming
from behind?

Keep going
considering this game is being made in my bedroom with my home PC and just me doing all the coding sound fx music 3d art 2d art (hud was helped a bit by Intense wage) logic testing and EVERYTHING.. I'd say iam doing a very good job.. I need a game tester to play what I do on a regular basis (daily) and chat about it. it's hard to get someome that A: has the time B: loves shooters C: has a GP32 D: can be objective without personal favor to what hor she just wants for them selves.

So ya see it's not easy coding games.

it's a laybor of Love.
Downloading it right now.

Emuman, if you want a tester, I would be available. I have nothing to do except waiting for university to start again (well, not entirely true, but you get the point ;)) and really like this game.... eventhough I still suck at it :D
This game is absoloutely amazing looking and plays great... but a few things...

1: The rocks aren't a problem with me :D Nice and challengeing.

2: The menu text for the shop in between is a bit difficult to read, But it's not much of a problem, but it'd be nice for it to be a bit spaced better and an easier color to read.

3: The Weapon selection method for upgrades bugs me, couldn't it just be a selectable menu?

4: You don't really get enough money to upgrade between levels... (made it to level 3, could only buy one thing after saving....)

5: The collision detection IS too touchy, I didn't die due to enemies or collideing with asteroids, I died due to them being 6-8 pixels away and passing me :( (I know ya wanna make the collision detection nice and realistic, but cutting the collide box short (not counting the entirity of the back wings) would be a god send.

Other than that. The game is insanely amazing for one guy to do all alone :) Great work.
Why don't you mod the rom-selector code from some of the older emulators for the shop? They've got scaling bits for frameskip and menus in menus, so it might work.

Course, it might be easier to do a menu from scratch, but hey - just an idea...