Small Update For Xigon One - Working Shop!


Still Fresh
Jan 22, 2004
*---------------- This game wont work right on the Gee Pee 32 Emu ------------*
*****Mole I see your problem I think. the 'R' to buy Looks like a 'B' - use R trigger to buy the speed up weapons.****
L = new weapon / R = Weapons Speed up / Select = Extra Life
Start = exit shop

Anyone else had the problem of not getting the weapons speed up to work? It works for me so iam not sure whats going on with Mole's . please leave feedback on this topic so we can see if it's the same with everyone.

Hey Mole, I tested the shop and it workd very well. are you sure you didnt look at your score, and not the Cash collected? Anyone else thats tried the shop let me know that it's ok. ..... Iam gonna install the game from the RAR file from the web just incase I messed up the RAR ?? -----------edit: tried install from RAR shop still works 100% . you must not have had the credits. was your score for kills :(

Did a few bug fix's and added the Weapons shop as a very bare alpha. (but fully functional as far as the logic and upgrades go) .. Changes all the level 1 AI patterns to make it a bit easier. level 2 has completely different AI from lvl 1. You can buy a Weapon speed up - a New Weapons (ya dont get the lazer to start anymore ya got to buy it) - Extra Lives.. 2nd lvl got a few tweaks as it dosn't feel quite right yet. will be adding a SMART bomb to the game soon. (eg: single blast that clears screen of aliens) will then add buying these to the shop.

No nice eye candy screen for intros or level end and stuff. but iam working on them. got to get the game logic working 1st before i go nuts on any fancy screens:)

ok take care.
EMUMAN's GP32 Dev Site
Indeed you are....

Hey - if you include shields, generators, and side-weapons as possibilities then a bunch of us could probably try and get a tyrian remake going :D - wouldn't THAT be fun!

Actually, that might already be done for all I know (haven't played the demo yet), but I'll do so once I've got the GP32 to hand. Any shooter of as high quality as Xigon One is must be tested :D

EDIT: Any chance of a version with a fair few levels/bosses and maybe some basic storyline being put in for the GBAX 2004 compo?

This is the first time i have played your game and i have to say its shaping up very nicely.

The shop is NOT working yet as even though i had enough to buy a new weapon or an extra life it would not let me buy either.

Side weapons back and front upgrades would also be good as well as the smart bombs you mentioned and shields.

Keep up the good work.
emumanx posted on Mar 13 2004 at 09:07 PM said:
*---------------- This game wont work right on the Gee Pee 32 Emu ------------*
Hey Mole, I tested the shop and it workd very well. are you sure you didnt look at your score, and not the Cash collected? Anyone else thats tried the shop let me know that it's ok. ..... Iam gonna install the game from the RAR file from the web just incase I messed up the RAR ?? -----------edit: tried install from RAR shop still works 100% . you must not have had the credits. was your score for kills :(

Did a few bug fix's and added the Weapons shop as a very bare alpha. (but fully functional as far as the logic and upgrades go) .. Changes all the level 1 AI patterns to make it a bit easier.  level 2 has completely different AI from lvl 1. You can buy a Weapon speed up - a New Weapons (ya dont get the lazer to start anymore ya got to buy it) - Extra Lives..  2nd lvl got a few tweaks as it dosn't feel quite right yet. will be adding a SMART bomb to the game soon. (eg: single blast that clears screen of aliens) will then add buying these to the shop.

No nice eye candy screen for intros or level end and stuff. but iam working on them. got to get the game logic working 1st before i go nuts on any fancy screens:)

ok take care.
EMUMAN's GP32 Dev Site
I looked at the cash collected and thats 100% sure, i will have another go and get back to you asap (next hour).


Just had another bash, entered the shop with $280 which sould be enough to buy a $200 weapon upgrade, however i did not get that upgrade. I do not know if its a problem with just that item as i have not had enough cash to try out any of the other items and always die deep into level 2.

After playing it a couple of times now i think you should also add another type of astroid one that takes less shots to kill. (Maybe its easier to kill them with the weapon upgrade but as of yet can't get it to work)

Update 2

I managed to get $310 when entering the shop and it let me buy the lazer but even with $310 i could NOT buy the weapon upgrade (speed up).
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Yeah, I know. But if he could make an engine that had very very similar features *to* Tyrian, then a remake would be possible with it. Although sprites'd need ripping. Which is hard from my POV (easier with snes, snce there IS such a thing as "advance 1 frame" - not so on PC)

Problem areas might be delayed secret levels, the whole generator thing (shields recharged based on the strength of your generator, and how much energy your weapons were using up etc.), datacubes, and maybe the various secret "ultra-weapons"; ice-blast, attractor, etc.

Either way, if a level editor is released for this, I'll almost certainly, whether now or over the summer, make a stab at putting together some Tyrian levels for it. (May never get finished though).

I wonder if there are any ways to rip the gfx straight out of the data files... *me goes to look*
Nice one, emumanx! That's a lot better than the first version I played, the one with the Enterprise ;)

However, I found a bug: When the second level starts, you can fly into the left corner of this spaceship or whatever this blocking thing is, and the game just freezes.... well, not completely. The background moves on, the asteroids move on, but the ship can neither be moved not hit. Hm, it's rather hard to describe. I can however reproduce it.

Also, it really bugs me that everything seems to move with you.
Just had a blast and its excellent :). Much harder than the first one i tried too. You really have to keep an eye out from all sides. Btw, where did u get the gfx for the electronics kind of stuff that defines the path?