Xgp First Picture??

Vimacs posted on Aug 21 2005 at 02:44 PM said:
you know that you need at least a 800mhz pc with 256mb ram to run the newest metalslug at good speeds?

LOL, I only have a tiny mind but I do suspect you don't need all that much power for inaccurate emulation. PCs have run neogeo emulation on much less, and been more than playable.

That said, this thread concentrates on the neo-geo emulation, not the games as such. The neo-geo for me was fighting games and...metal slug. I would personally rather have a successful mugen http://www.mugenation.com/ than a working emulator, as it presents more...possibilities.

Metal slug, is not dedicated to the neo-geo alone, there is well the neo-geo PKT version, and a gba version, and I do suspect we will see a slew of remixes from sprite rips come our way, having played the others to death, I welcome the prospect.

Finally I would say that as arcade games go, Its going to be interesting to see how many of the 5700+ arcade games in mame can actually be sensibly emulated(Irem,Data East,Technos and ye gods konami etc). Its a shame raine contains so much x86 stuff because that would have been better.

I do suspect, we are about to a massive rise in possible-games on the GPX2. I for one am more than pleased with the possibilities, and would rather look at what might be possible. Than trying to sqeeze the limits of a still fairly unknown handheld.
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I dont know for sure but wasn't the GP32 closed source like the XGP will be?

As the gp32 turned out to be such a good machine couldn't the XGP turn out to be equally well off in the aspect of emulation?

I mean we don't really know the full capabilities that the XGP will have, we don't evan have an accurate spec sheet. I think with the way the GP32javascript:add_smilie(%22gp32_console%22) entered the market as the most powerful unit
the XGP may as well.

Not sure but it is a possibility, that the XGP could be the better of the two. Maybe N64 capable??
C B Felterbush posted on Aug 21 2005 at 06:06 PM said:
I dont know for sure but wasn't the GP32 closed source like the XGP will be?

As the gp32 turned out to be such a good machine couldn't the XGP turn out to be equally well off in the aspect of emulation?

I mean we don't really know the full capabilities that the XGP will have, we don't evan have an accurate spec sheet. I think with the way the GP32javascript:add_smilie(%22gp32_console%22) entered the market as the most powerful unit
the XGP may as well.

Not sure but it is a possibility, that the XGP could be the better of the two. Maybe N64 capable??
I don't think the GP32 was closed- or open-source, as it didn't really have an OS. AFAIK (and someone PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong), but all the devkits were the work of people's free time, not of the official company (Gamepark).

As for n64 on XGP, technically, it's somewhat feasible I would imagine, at least moreover than with the GPX2 (which is basically nil). However, not only are we not positive of the hardware specification for the XGP, but there will also not be an SDK officially available for it and therefore it will be much more difficult to put development on any sort of a timeline.

Rest assured, though, if stable N64 or PSX emulation gets onto the XGP, I'll get it :D
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TandeM posted on Aug 21 2005 at 07:59 PM said:
iignotus posted on Aug 22 2005 at 12:56 AM said:
C B Felterbush posted on Aug 21 2005 at 06:06 PM said:
AFAIK (and someone PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong), but all the devkits were the work of people's free time, not of the official company (Gamepark).

http://darkfader.net/gp32/ :rolleyes:
Where does it say that he works for or speaks on the behalf on Gamepark?? In fact, it says on the info page that he's a student, not to mention that he is asking for donations. What are you trying to say?
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iignotus posted on Aug 22 2005 at 12:56 AM said:
I don't think the GP32 was closed- or open-source, as it didn't really have an OS. AFAIK (and someone PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong), but all the devkits were the work of people's free time, not of the official company (Gamepark).
The GP32 is closed source, and it does have an OS (GPOS) which is being developed further for the XGP. I believe the gp32 gcc libraries were created from leaked gamepark code.
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woogal posted on Aug 22 2005 at 03:17 AM said:
iignotus posted on Aug 22 2005 at 12:56 AM said:
I don't think the GP32 was closed- or open-source, as it didn't really have an OS. AFAIK (and someone PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong), but all the devkits were the work of people's free time, not of the official company (Gamepark).
The GP32 is closed source, and it does have an OS (GPOS) which is being developed further for the XGP. I believe the gp32 gcc libraries were created from leaked gamepark code.
Oo awesome thanks. I understand now.
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That is what I thought, so isn't is possible for it time and release of updated specs,
that the XGP take the emulation support.

I mean when Gamepark released its first system they wanted it to be the most powerful system on release. Wouldn’t it make since that Mr. Wook Suk Sou Chow Main be interested in getting out the best and most powerful unit. I mean some of the parts that are going in the machine aren’t even out yet, not even to him. He has everything standing by waiting to start production. gp32_console

I am antsy to see what a final spec sheet reveals.
Cyclops posted on Aug 21 2005 at 05:32 PM said:
Vimacs posted on Aug 21 2005 at 02:44 PM said:
you know that you need at least a 800mhz pc with 256mb ram to run the newest metalslug at good speeds?
That said, this thread concentrates on the neo-geo emulation, not the games as such. The neo-geo for me was fighting games and...metal slug. I would personally rather have a successful mugen http://www.mugenation.com/ than a working emulator, as it presents more...possibilities.

Indeed, I recall there were a number of nudie characters for Mugen. Par example, one of Mai Shiranui.

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Metal slug, is not dedicated to the neo-geo alone, there is well the neo-geo PKT version, and a gba version, and I do suspect we will see a slew of remixes from sprite rips come our way, having played the others to death, I welcome the prospect.

You do realise those Metal Slug games you mentioned only resemble the originals? For an accurate port you have to look to the Saturn, PS1 (MSX), PS2 or Xbox (MS3). Anything else isn't Metal Slug...it might be a good game, but isn't the Neogeo Metal Slug!

And why you'd want a version of Mugen over a genuine Neogeo emulator is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Mugen too, but I've yet to play a single Mugen hack that even compares to the source material.
Huxley posted on Aug 23 2005 at 07:00 PM said:
Metal slug, is not dedicated to the neo-geo alone, there is well the neo-geo PKT version, and a gba version, and I do suspect we will see a slew of remixes from sprite rips come our way, having played the others to death, I welcome the prospect.

You do realise those Metal Slug games you mentioned only resemble the originals? For an accurate port you have to look to the Saturn, PS1 (MSX), PS2 or Xbox (MS3). Anything else isn't Metal Slug...it might be a good game, but isn't the Neogeo Metal Slug!

And why you'd want a version of Mugen over a genuine Neogeo emulator is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Mugen too, but I've yet to play a single Mugen hack that even compares to the source material.
just out of interest, what is the difference when comparing the original MS to the saturns version? Of all the consoles it was ported to, surely the saturn handled it the best with all its enhanced 2d capabilities.
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I think the original game was only ported to the Saturn and PS1, of which the Saturn version was supposed to be far superior. Not played either, mind, so don't quote me on that! The PS1 did make up for it somewhat with an impressive port of MSX a few years back, though.

Like I said, I haven't played them, but I'd imagine they're either a straight port of the AES home cart or the CD version, which had an extra training mode. Nothing major.
I have played M.S. on the AES, a Playstation and Saturn. I must say it is my opinion that the version on the Saturn is the better of the ports but nothing beats the original hardware.

Of these three it is most likely that a Neogeo emulator will be the best way to see Metal Slug in all its glory.

There is a very close M.S. on the GBA, Metal Slug Advance. It is a lot more like the original metal slug then the watered down NGPC titles.

And after the Neogeo arcade system is emulated I would like to see an
*ahem " flop "....X68000. Seems to me like the X68000 is full of great
shooters, right up my alley. :D

gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console
x68000 is without doubt the best home computer of all time for arcade purists. you have some awesome arcade perfect ports, with the added bonus of choosing the orignal music or an enhanced soundtrack making use of the systems amazing midi sound capabilities. Games worth playing are, ghouls n ghosts, strider, gradius 2 gofer, dracula x and tons more. I have friends playing on my x68000 now and they are still blown away by it!! The perfect choice for gpx2 emulation!!
Huxley posted on Aug 26 2005 at 05:48 PM said:
Sounds like my cup of tea. But is it a complex machine to emulate?

Err...way OT here! The XGP is still an ugly beast, but at least GP seem intent on improving it.
the x68k should be no harder to emulate than the amiga and with the news posted by craig today, most systems could now be possible, so why not?

anyway, back on topic, god knows why anyone would want the taiwanese crappy telephone look-a-like XGP, apart from the fact that GP may let the source slip out and then that would be the one and only benefit of owning one over a psp. Oh yeah, maybe the pad might be better too.
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Huxley posted on Aug 23 2005 at 06:00 PM said:
You do realise those Metal Slug games you mentioned only resemble the originals? For an accurate port you have to look to the Saturn, PS1 (MSX), PS2 or Xbox (MS3). Anything else isn't Metal Slug...it might be a good game, but isn't the Neogeo Metal Slug!

And why you'd want a version of Mugen over a genuine Neogeo emulator is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see Mugen too, but I've yet to play a single Mugen hack that even compares to the source material.

I'm not proud on accuracy lol. Really though the more it deviates from the original the better. I read a review of the GBA version that has refreshed my interest in this series.

Mugen, I agree does not compare in any shape or form to the original(balancing). Its unfortunate that its development stopped a long time ago, and is limited by its own licencing. It now has an open-source brother in openmugen, and interest from other homebre scenes(eg xbox), and a renewed interest in the project. It does have the possibility of being better than the original in many many ways e.g. Character Mixes ala Capcom vs KOF; Potential of using 12X power of emulation(and maybe some funky uses of the new 2D accelerated Chip); more variaty within single game; MODS ala BOR; new modified characters; Variety of gameplay styles; Limits of old hardware removed esp on neo-geo hardware(storage more than anything else) etc etc.
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Am I the only one that thinks that releasing the XGP is a bad idea?

If SEGA has learned us something it is that releasing multiple hardware is not a very good choise. Gamepark can not compete with Sony, Gamepark has its own crowd; the homebrewers and retrogamers. The GP2X is the perfect sucsessor to GP32 and in my oppinion the XGP is unnecessery. My two cents...

Gamepark (-> XGP) and Gamepark Holdings (-> GP2X) are two completly different companys.