XFCE Pandora logo


Feb 26, 2010
Hey, is there a way to change the XFCE Pandora boot up logo?  Like, something that fills the whole screen?  
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Hey, is there a way to change the XFCE Pandora boot up logo?  Like, something that fills the whole screen?  
There is in fact a way, under Settings->Desktop->Sessions and Startup, on the Splash tab.

If you push the configure button on the simple theme (the default one) you can change the image it uses. If you use a 480 (or slightly less, to leave room for the loading text) x 800 image then it will cover the whole screen.

Edit: a height of 454 seems to work well for a fullscreen startup
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After reading this thread I decided to make a few simple boot splash screens (800x454) and here they are to be shared with you gals and guys. Feel free to download them individualy or as a package attached to this post. Cheers ;-)













  • pandora_boot_splash_800x454.zip
    2.2 MB · Views: 197
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ooh... that top green one is niiiiiice.

I would have that on mine
After reading this thread I decided to make a few simple boot splash screens (800x454) and here they are to be shared with you gals and guys. Feel free to download them individualy or as a package attached to this post. Cheers ;-)
Nice... :)
I can't help but imagine some of these as animated. What comes to mind for the first group is a smooth colour cycle shifting though the shades shown and all the shades in between. For the last image I picture the different bands scrolling left or right at different rates...

In the second group I really like the cyan, but the others colours don't really work for me.

- Neelix
Is it possible to change not only the splash image, but also the images that load after the pandora logo, and on the login screen?
Here you go with the wallpaper variations. 800x480, with or without logo. Singles in the spoiler or the whole package attached. Enjoy.
Look good, thanks.
BTW - What's your avatar? Reminds me of Switchblade
@cube48:  Great work, thanks!

I'm getting to this with only minutes to spare before I need to work.  Maybe when I get back there will be some information here about using a png or jpg sequence for any of the splash screens?  I have a lot of timelapse and other odd animations that I would like to use.