WTS: OpenPandora CC First Batch + A Whole Bunch Of Spare Parts! (No LCD Ribbon, No Complete Case)


Still Fresh
Jul 25, 2013
Unfortunately, the time has come where I can say that my Pandora is well and truly busted, and that I have run out of the means and time to fix it. The LCD ribbon is shot, the case is broken... well, it was a marvelous device while it lasted, and it certainly lasted a long time, my own brief ownership aside.

The thing is, the unit's a first batch Pandora, and I'm not willing to let such a historical device go to waste. I also came into possession of a whole bunch of accessories along with the thing, which might come in handy to someone or another. I'm currently situated in New Zealand, but if anyone wants to take the parts and accessories and doesn't mind paying for shipping, I'd be more than happy to accept any deal.

The parts include, off the top of my head:

TV-Out Cable
Silver Case, Top + Bottom, no faceplate.
Black Case, Faceplate + Bottom Half.
First Batch CC Pandora (LCD ribbon torn, case incomplete)
Wifi Dongle
Spare Inner Case Parts (buttons, et al)
4 Batteries
Mains Charger
4 or so Keyboards, with 3 D-Pads

I can't imagine that the case parts will be in any way useful, seeing as there isn't really one, but I'll take any offer. I'll update with photos and an accurate inventory as soon as I can. Here's to the Pyra's inevitable release!
EDIT: Alright, I messed up; remind me never to delete an accidental doublepost again. Here goes.

I did a brief inventory of the parts, and came up with the following:


Halves of various cases, not including the intact silver bottom half in which the PCB sits.


Close-up of the super-special First Batch Sticker! Note that there is a stripped screw stuck in the bottom left of the unit, so if you want to keep it, you might have to transfer the sticker to its intact cousin.


1 X Carry Case.


5 X Keymat, 3 with D-Pad and 2 without. 1 X Loose D-Pad with spare inner parts.


1 X CC PCB, in perfect working order. Nubs are perfect. In image, seated inside half of a bottom case.


1 X LCD, seen here in an ungodly silver-black Frankencase that I attempted to put together when my silver case broke. As you can see, the LCD Ribbon is deader than a dodo. The rest of it should be perfectly fine, although I have no way of checking.


4 X Batteries.


1 X TV-Out Cable.


1 X Original Charging Plug.


2 X Stylus, 3 X Stylus Case, 2 X Inner Case Parts, including screws, buttons, lights and a loose D-Pad.


1 X Wi-Fi Dongle of Power. Not stellar, but required for Wi-Fi.

And there you have it. If you're still interested, please let me know. I'm looking for around NZD $275 + shipping, which is a huge steal when you factor in the cost of getting replacement parts from Germany - the keymats and batteries alone would run you up about 67 euros, and shipping to NZ at least (not sure about Aus) about 45 euros. (I bit the bullet one too many times in order to support our lord and savior, ED.) I'm perfectly willing to haggle, however, as I'd much rather have these go to someone who can use and appreciate them rather than sit on my closet collecting dust. Thanks so much!