Anyone looking for spare parts (Pandora)?


Still Fresh
Dec 8, 2018
Well, it's been a good run, had plenty of great moments using this console, but the build quality just didn't hold up over time and it became too much to maintain.

I just thought I'd make this post in case anybody is looking for spare parts or looking for a 1Ghz model and are good at repairing electronics . The ebay listing's here for anyone interested:

Happy to answer any questions you have, thanks. :)
Umm, just search "open pandora dragonbox" on ebay if interested and you should find it easily. My eBay account name is crowdiest.
Which nationality ebay are you using? I've checked the us and uk sites and can't find it amongst the offers of pandora jewellery. At least the UK site does give me wind and water puzzles from the dragonbox shop when I concatenate 'open' and 'pandora' but that's not what you said, and it's not your knackered pandora either.

AFAIK the site blocks new users from posting links. You should be able to put anything inside code tags though, which is how most of us here get around the way this site treats links.
Australia, but I can post internationally. Thanks for the info on code tags, I'll give it a shot ...
