WTB: Pandora 1GHz


Aug 1, 2011
FINAL UPDATE: Just purchased a pristine 1 GHz unit on eBay. Mods, please clse this thread whenever you can get to it :)

Hello folks. If you happen to have an old (but still good and functioning) Pandy 1GHz lying around, i'm ready to pony up (up to) 400 USD for it. I've looked into the cheaper (and TBH, far easier to acquire) Ingenic based handhelds (like the stuff Dingoonity specializes in) but a Pandora seems to be cheapest option for a retro gaming portable with a FULL KEYBOARD. The fantastic community helps, too.

UPDATE: Just remembered something. If you're interested AND are comfortable with eBay, i'd really appreciate it if you gave me a heads up on your listing. Thanks

It's also probably important to note that I reside in Southern California, USA.
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I see an Australian 1GHz unit on eBay, but it's out of my current price range. I hope that the seller is asking too much, because the alternative means i'm offering too little...
300USD sounds enough to me for a Rebirth or CC Pandora to be honest. I'd give a MHz unit a little extra value, but really no more than about 150USD, putting them at 450USD max. How much is this Aussie wanting for his? Obviously, the cracks in the casing that occur during normal use will reduce the value.
Thanks for the info on the different models value. I think i'll wait for a deal or offer on a Rebirth unit.

This Australian fellow wants a total of 500 USD (which is including shipping to my locale, to be fair) for his unit. Given the estimate you gave, that's almost fair. Before shipping, at least. TL;DR i'll wait. But, again, thanks.
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Yeah, shipping could easily be 50USD of that I'd have thought. Dunno how much it takes to get stuff from Australia to the US, but I know Aussies regularly moan about how much it costs to ship stuff out there.
the joy of being miles from anywhere... shipping to Aussie is way expensive and most ebay vendors use it as an excuse to jack up their profits... got a link to that Aussie pandora?

never mind i found it https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Open-Pa...4d79ed4:g:la8AAOSwVt5dLIEK&LH_ItemCondition=4

i thin personally that $600 AUD is too much. 376 euros is better as a deposit on a Pyra.. wonder if its anyone here selling it? is it yours Wally?? lol
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Huh? The only offer i've seen is the eBay listing from the Australian fellow. Please clarify, I would legit love to be pointed to what you've seen, that i've apparently missed.
Hello again. Later this week I will be selling (via eBay) a One Mix 3 Yoga that I won from the Lilliputing tech blog. Once it's sold (whenever that may be) I will have enough coinage freed up to get a 1GHz unit (assuming a reasonable offer, of course) when it happens to float around.