Revisiting 'old' Classics

satanic virus

Jun 2, 2007
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Recently I took my xbox down from the attic and installed a modchip - emulation of most systems is absolutly perfect.

I decided to try some of my old xbox games and have just finished replaying Halo again - man what a game! I had forgotten how amazing it was. Despite having a 360, I am going to spend the next while playing xbox originals which can be picked up now dirt cheap.

I was just amazed about how good Halo was again so I would recommend anyone to dig out their old consoles and try some old classics the way they were meant to be played (non nVidia quote!). Once I am finished with xbox, I also have a Gamecube, PS2, PS1, SNSE, Mega Drive, Master System, Amiga 500+ and tons of games to bring down to my telly! I think it will be a couple of years before I start with the 'current' generation.

BTW any xbox fans have any recommendations? I love sci-fi, racing and fps's most but will consider anything!

Modded Xbox fanboy, checking in.

I primarily use mine to run XBMC. When not streaming media, I'm using Surreal 64 to play Road Rash 64. :D

I've picked up a handful of second hand Xbox titles this year, but I've been too busy playing Road Rash to get immersed in any of them!
I'd've assumed that anyone who was into GP32's and whathaveyou would already be still playing their old games? Ah well, okay, here's my favourite Xbox games:

Alien Hominid
Burnout Revenge
Godzilla: Save the Earth
Guilty Gear X2#Reload
Jaws Unleashed
Kung Fu Chaos
Metal Slug 3
OutRun 2
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Red Ninja: End of Honour
SNK Vs. Capcom Chaos
Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Taito Legends 2

There y'go.
GAME has stopped selling preowned Xbox games. It really sucks :(

Anyway, +1 for Ninja Gaiden. Project Gotham Racing 2 is an excellent racer, Fable is pretty good.
@ Nickspoon - and preowned Gamecube games. Sucks. I was gonna buy Luigi's Mansion again and get Beyond Good and Evil on the xbox but they're all gone now.
A softmodded Xbox is probably the best value you could ever find for a gaming system.

SV, here's a few good'uns I've enjoyed in those genres:

Rogue Trooper
Urban Chaos
Chronicles of Riddick
Burnout 3
Outrun 2
Star Wars Republic Commando
Timesplitters 2 & Future Perfect
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Far Cry Instincts
Tron 2.0
Pariah (underrated!)
Project Snowblind
Cool - nice recommendations there y'all! Cheers.

Yeah, I have heard Pariah is better than the typical reviews it got. I'll probably track that one down on ebay next - i'm impressed with the screenshots. I already have Panzer Dragoon Orta but, like Halo had not played it in years so will play that whilst waiting for Pariah to arrive. Then, Deus Ex, Ninja Gaiden Black etc etc .. :D

I'm off to Italy for a wedding for a few days now - will have to leave by beloved xbox for a few days :( :P
sataniC Virus said:
I love sci-fi, racing and fps's
F-Zero GX meets the first two, and you can go into First person at any time.

Not an X-Box game, but still...
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Gruso said:
Modded Xbox fanboy, checking in.

I primarily use mine to run XBMC.
Same. I still use my Xbox every day to stream video to my TV from my computer. A modded Xbox is still the cheapest and most functional digital video "set top box" you can get.

As for games, I am a huge fan of the Burnout series, and I really enjoyed the X-Men Legends action RPG games as well. On the off chance you're into DDR, the Stepmania port for Xbox is excellent and there are literally thousands of tracks available on the internet for it. I've modded two systems for friends specifically for the purpose of acting as a DDR jukebox.
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Gruso said:
Modded Xbox fanboy, checking in.

I primarily use mine to run XBMC. When not streaming media, I'm using Surreal 64 to play Road Rash 64. :D

I've picked up a handful of second hand Xbox titles this year, but I've been too busy playing Road Rash to get immersed in any of them!
Tell me, you stream music from X-box? Was this easily accomplished? Have you installed a bigger HDD on it?
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^ With Xbox Media Center installed, it's no effort at all. All you have to do is give the Xbox access to shared folders on your PC. There's hardly an audio or video codec XBMC won't handle (although it draws the line at HD video).

If you only want to stream media, a bigger HDD isn't needed. I'm still using the stock 8GB drive in my current box. I've put bigger drives in Xboxes before, but the extra space is really only useful for game backups. It's much easier to manage your media on a PC, and share it across the network.