Would Anybody Care For A Msx?


Still Fresh
Aug 18, 2004
I don't know if anyone have been talking about the great gaming-experiences fMSX may bring you on this forum before, but it's a quite intresting fact that few people have played or ever heard about the great titles which the MSX computer hosts. I've resently come to the knowledge that diskimages work remarkably well with the fMSX emulator, and that titles such as Snatcher, SD Snatcher, Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake exsists in complete translated versions in english. I would like to bring these titles in to light of the slightly neglected fMSX emulator, and point out that those titles are the very best ever known to mankind - thinking in a 8bit-perspective.

So, saying this in a non piracy-encouraging way: Go find the patches on google or something and start using your fMSX emulator! Quickly! ;)
i tried fmsx, had a few games, the emulator was great, but the system and games just seem like crap so I deleted it.
Well I'm happy to take up the challenge but I warn you that getting me to relinquish my view of the C64 as the 8-bit king isn't going to be easy...

I wasn't too impressed with MSX (the system that is, the emu is fine), sorry.
extremegamer posted on Oct 14 2004 at 02:46 PM said:
i tried fmsx at had a few games at the emulator was great at but the system and games just seem like crap so I deleted it.
Shirohagen posted on Oct 14 2004 at 03:24 PM said:
Well I'm happy to take up the challenge but I warn you that getting me to relinquish my view of the C64 as the 8-bit king isn't going to be easy...
DaveC posted on Oct 14 2004 at 04:06 PM said:
I wasn't too impressed with MSX (the system that is, the emu is fine), sorry.

Infidels! Unbelievers! :blink: *cough* :P

Well, it really does depend though. As with most systems from that era the MSX catered to its own market. And despite the large fanbase in Europe and South America, as a system it only took off commercially in Asia. It hardly got a foot on the ground in North America.
So yeah, if you like demos, Konami-games, RPG's and music, check out http://www.msx.org/. Though I guess demos and music won't run as smoothly on fMSX, there are plenty of other emulators for other systems that'll do the job just fine. ;)

And yes, I'm biased. *points at his three MSX systems* And yes, I once had more. ;)
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Hey, I'm no unbeliever, I just don't know much about the MSX. Add to that a love of the C64 and you have a tough challenge ahead in converting me.

I did say though, that I'm prepared to suspend my potential disbelief and dip my toes in the MSX pool, I'll let you know how I get on and I'll be honest when I do!

If you can recommend 3 games to me which are better than a C64 equivalent then I may begin to crack...

Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 are absolutely amazing games. Unfortunately they don't run full speed in fMSX. I've asked rlyeh about a release including an option for 133 mhz (it currently runs at 80) but he hasn't finished working on his new version yet.
I remember a game with a penguin travelling along the ice jumping and avoiding holes and stuff, that was a great game, so i'm gonna have to try this emu now and track down that game.
JaseDaMase posted on Oct 14 2004 at 06:21 PM said:
I remember a game with a penguin travelling along the ice jumping and avoiding holes and stuff, that was a great game, so i'm gonna have to try this emu now and track down that game.

Antarctic Adventure by Konami. Excellent Game.

I love the MSX (only recently discovered it). For me it's like a cross between an NES and a Spectrum, weird as that sounds. Definitely worth checking out. A good way to get into it is to check out MBOX on the PC, which includes tons of games with screenshots, which you can boot into the included emulators automatically.

I won't give a link because I'm not sure about the legality of it.

And then go grab fMSX because it's fantastic!
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I owned an MSX HX-10 for years when i was a kid an i bloody loved it. Not many people i knew had the system (i'm in Scotland) and that only added to its appeal. Gameswise it was pretty good. Most of the games i had at the time were speccy ports. But occasionally i'd get a game that used the built in cartridge slot, these games were usually made by Konami and were very impressive.

I knew how popular it was in Asia and was pretty jealous to hear about all the awesome games that were available for it over there. A great computer and very worthy of being in anyones emulation lineup.

For the record, heres a pic of my old beloved MSX *sniff*

I am a self confessed C64 junky (;) @ shirohagen) but you gotta accept that the MSX is a cool system and it's stands it's ground with games like

Aleste 2 - Cool shmup
Aleste Gaiden
Castle Excellent - Classic flip screen adventure
Dexter - Unusual style of platformer/shmup
Dexter 2: Firehawk
Eggbert (free game) - Very challenging puzzler
Guardic - Shmup with a twist
Mr Ghost (1+2) - Quality japanese action
Quarth - Puzzle em up
Space Manbow - Heavy duty shmup
USAS - Platform adventure game
Undeadline - Zombie bashing
Zanac Ex - Aleste style shmup

and many of these games are not your ordinary brew, with the japanese style crazyness which makes them special. There are many more oldies that are on par with the colecovision but games are still being made to this day and utilizing more of the msx-2's power

BTW all of the games listed work great on fMSX32 - go check em out and then tell us what you think of the system