Work Damn You!!!


The Dutchmaster
Mar 14, 2004
Manhattan, NY
I hate to post yet another damn thread on gpcinema, but i feel as though i must (i'm compelled by my shiny gp). I downloaded windups to lauch gpcinema and also downloaded The Second Renaissance Part 1 and 2 from the link provided on the front page, and im greeted by my gp reseting itself. I adjusted clockspeed and still no success. Anyone have any suggestions? Is it because these files are for moviepark? If this is the case, how can i get em' to work? AAAAAghhhh!!! :unsure:
it's not because it's moviepark (they're the same) but i didnt know you could use gpcinema thu windups. try just running the original firmware.
do u want the old one? since its free now i dont see how its illegal to distribute it ~~'
here, i made a separate post with a link in case moderators need to delete the post

my apologizes if im not suppose to, i will accept the warning if its not suppose to be distributed (well, it did turn free, right? lol)
Wow, thats odd- your right! The other two just dont work i guess... Is there anyone who has gotten them to work that can post them (i.e. did the encoding themselves)? This is pretty damn cool...
I'm on it. Will post results sometime tommorow when I get a chance. (I'm not reincoding the ones that don't work. I'm going straight to the source, the free quicktime movies. ;))