Words Of Warning!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Be warned about Dinnisalmighty and Danielforreal!

I can only suspect him, BUT these two persons have the SAME IP address.

Also: He says he's from sweden - and the other person claims to be from Finland. But his PayPal account says he's from UK.

AND he first wanted to sell ONE GP32 BLU (>166MHz), then suddenly, he had a second one and a third one.
And those GP32 BLUs > 166MHz (unmodified) are rare...

I know that some of you sent him some money already.
If you DON'T receive anything, be sure to tell me as soon as possible, as I can track him down using his IP Adress and his PayPal account, so you can try to get your money back.

IT IS YOUR OWN RISK if you buy from him.
I wouldn't if I were you.
I can NOT accuse him for sure - but he REALLY sounds fishy!
Its strange how he needs 2 different GP32x accounts and 2 Differnet PayPal accounts to sell GP32's and Zodiacs :) LOL..

Its also strange how he lives in 2 different countries.. maybe half of his body lives in Sweden and the other half lives in Finland :) LOL
Thanks for the heads up ED. The world would be a better place without tossers like that.

I recently found a websniff program that can pinpoint towns where servers are located. I did it on this site, and it said it was somewhere in Poland :blink:
Just for your information:

I sent an eMail to PayPal to find out IF he is the same person (we have both of his PayPal accounts).

Both accounts are not verified yet, so he won't receive any money at the moment, all money sent to him will stay at PayPal for the moment.

So if he REALLY tries to scam us, it should be possible to get your money back.
I understand your cautiousness but they are blatantly the same person. Same name, same /signoff, same backtick in I`m, same sentence structure, same local user time, same IP, similar topic titles.

Both users joined solely to post a topic about selling goods. They posted only within that topic.

The first magically came up with two more GP32s both supposedly at 200-220 MHz which is very rare (as you pointed out).

The second claims to live elsewhere despite having a UK paypal account, same user time and same IP. He denies any connection, or at least ignores accusations of it.

No goods recieved, two unverified and SEPERATE paypal accounts.

Gentlemen, this is one of the stupidest attempts to dupe us in the history of gp32x. ED, I'd expect a lot of IFs if we were dealing with people we suspected were conning. But this guy is blatantly a conman. I'd ban both of his accounts if it wasn't for your intervention.
I think that, even though u are probably right, evildragon is trying not to deter a possible "good" poster who might be telling the truth for all we know. But I totaly agree with u Rico. ;)
166mhz unmodded blus are rare? i have a 180mhz BLU that wasn't bought specially from gbax etc.! yay!
All this sounds very fishy to be sure but i offered him $100 for his zodiac just to see if i could get ultra lcuky and he said straight up no. It seems to me a scammer would just take money from everyone and wouldnt be too worried about not getting $400 for his fake zodiac. Not saying he's legit, just saying its possible. KNow what i mean?
All this sounds very fishy to be sure but i offered him $100 for his zodiac just to see if i could get ultra lcuky and he said straight up no. It seems to me a scammer would just take money from everyone and wouldnt be too worried about not getting $400 for his fake zodiac. Not saying he's legit, just saying its possible. KNow what i mean?

So why did he have to Make Another account on this site again and make another account on paypal to jsut sell a Zodiac??? Why did he say he lives in Sweden and Finland?? Why are both the PayPal accounts UK Accounts when he doesnt even live in the UK and teh PayPal accoutns are both new.
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All this sounds very fishy to be sure but i offered him $100 for his zodiac just to see if i could get ultra lcuky and he said straight up no. It seems to me a scammer would just take money from everyone and wouldnt be too worried about not getting $400 for his fake zodiac. Not saying he's legit, just saying its possible. KNow what i mean?

So why did he have to Make Another account on this site again and make another account on paypal to jsut sell a Zodiac??? Why did he say he lives in Sweden and Finland?? Why are both the PayPal accounts UK Accounts when he doesnt even live in the UK and teh PayPal accoutns are both new.

Don't yell at me, im not him. Like i said, its very fishy. I was just saying that *maybe* he's legit. I htought i made that clear in my post
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