Woogal Is A Woman According To Gp2x.qj.net

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Oct 1, 2003
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"Yet another flashback - this time it's all bloody and people are shooting at you and stuff. Woogal has updated her Duke Nukem 3D port to version 0.02 which now has the music working. Duke2X is compatible with 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 GP2X's.


Gotta love that site ;)
That place is awful, and their owner is retarded.

Almost everything they ever post is just for profit.
Rico, In Case you didn't realize, a few conclusions can be drawn from your Well-Thought-Out Insult.

Reasons listed:

1: You obviously did not catch the Joke, which leads me to deduce:

2: Your a Flamer, Who Feels the need to start idiotic flame wars over simplistic ideals and statements. Which further leads me to conclude:

3: You, like most of the people in the world, seem to be able to use only Half their brain at any given time.

Final Conclusion:

Your The Idiot. - Think before you speak through your posterior.
They are leeches, they claimed to be a part of IGN <-- yeah right

They have got away with the crap they pulled in the PSP scene because people are either too dumb or dont care but luckily the GP32/GP2X scene they wont get away with it, remember GP32 Xtreme is the heart of this community and not some leeches.
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Rico, In Case you didn't realize, a few conclusions can be drawn from your Well-Thought-Out Insult.

Reasons listed:

1: You obviously did not catch the Joke, which leads me to deduce:

2: Your a Flamer, Who Feels the need to start idiotic flame wars over simplistic ideals and statements. Which further leads me to conclude:

3: You, like most of the people in the world, seem to be able to use only Half their brain at any given time.

Final Conclusion:

Your The Idiot. - Think before you speak through your posterior.
I will provide my points in return:

1. I caught your joke.
2. I'm not a flamer, I was trolling. I posted the statement as a sort of mock 'I don't get it' response to see if you would respond. Tell-tale signs include the barren simplicity of my post ('you're an idiot') and the lowercase letters.
3. You posted a long diatribe with some half-thought-out insults in response, so I succeeded.
4. The real idiot is the person who insults a moderator :)
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Rico, In Case you didn't realize, a few conclusions can be drawn from your Well-Thought-Out Insult.

Reasons listed:

1: You obviously did not catch the Joke, which leads me to deduce:

2: Your a Flamer, Who Feels the need to start idiotic flame wars over simplistic ideals and statements. Which further leads me to conclude:

3: You, like most of the people in the world, seem to be able to use only Half their brain at any given time.

Final Conclusion:

Your The Idiot. - Think before you speak through your posterior.
I will provide my points in return:

1. I caught your joke.
2. I'm not a flamer, I was trolling. I posted the statement as a sort of mock 'I don't get it' response to see if you would respond. Tell-tale signs include the barren simplicity of my post ('you're an idiot') and the lowercase letters.
3. You posted a long diatribe with some half-thought-out insults in response, so I succeeded.
4. The real idiot is the person who insults a moderator :)

A trolling mod. I love this place! :blink: :lol: ;)

As for Gp2x.qj.net: Anything related to pspupdates sucks. End of story.
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You shouldn't tempt people or guage their response unless you are guaging a response to something you'd NORMALLY say. I don't care who you are, it's just being a prick otherwise.
Well maybe wyefye knew that Rico had got the joke, and just posted that to see if you would respond with a post explaining that he did, which would make Rico the stupid one.

Unless Rico knew, that wyefye knew, that Rico had got the joke, and had just posted that to see if you would respond, then when wyefye responded, that would make wyefye the stupid one.

Or maybe... Or maybe I've stretched that joke too far, which would make me the stupid one...

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