MOLE!! Devil dice, as in the one where your a little guy running on top of dice trying to make combos? ie: 6 die of 6s, 2 2s etc???
If so, pm me ASAP please bro..
And in response to your question the Wonderboi emulation is sweet, I use it to play FF2 and it is lovely, Golden axe on WB?????
You really need to PM me dont you?? lol
Basically, the core for the wonderswan emu gives it a fairly severe bottleneck; its *very* unoptimised. Iirc, fWS is still waiting for a core optimisation, but that's a long slow job... And rlyeh's got a lot of stuff on his plate...
Well... tis fairly good for both Final Fantasies at Frameskip 4 (which amazingly enough DOESN'T look juttery). But they're RPGs, so all that'd be wrong is that people walk slower... not sure about other things...
I always thaught they where the same rpgs that where available on the nes. Why would i play these games on the ws emu when ljgp's perfect. or are they different games?