Wonderswan emu?

The Mole

Oct 29, 2003
Is the Wonderswan emu any good?

I am thinking about adding it to my Smatrmedia card for some Devil Dice and some Golden Axe.
MOLE!! Devil dice, as in the one where your a little guy running on top of dice trying to make combos? ie: 6 die of 6s, 2 2s etc???

If so, pm me ASAP please bro..

And in response to your question the Wonderboi emulation is sweet, I use it to play FF2 and it is lovely, Golden axe on WB?????
You really need to PM me dont you?? lol

Dean :o)
Basically, the core for the wonderswan emu gives it a fairly severe bottleneck; its *very* unoptimised. Iirc, fWS is still waiting for a core optimisation, but that's a long slow job... And rlyeh's got a lot of stuff on his plate...
I thought you guys ssaid the Wonderswan emu was ok?

Both Devil Dice and Golden Axe are unplayable :(
Well... tis fairly good for both Final Fantasies at Frameskip 4 (which amazingly enough DOESN'T look juttery). But they're RPGs, so all that'd be wrong is that people walk slower... not sure about other things...
I always thaught they where the same rpgs that where available on the nes. Why would i play these games on the ws emu when ljgp's perfect. or are they different games?