WonderBoy The Dragon's Trap [remake]


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
So this is coming out very soon, and I knew it was going to be a must buy for me anyway, but I only recently saw the interview with LizardCube / DotEmu guys on Metal Jesus Rock's channel where they showed the feature that allows you to switch between the new nicely drawn graphics and the original game's graphics.

Looks great, and I imagine myself switching back and forth very often, admiring the original, comparing the new.

Love this as a feature and I hope it becomes something over remakes do, though I imagine the work effort is pretty big to do so.

If you've not seen it, here's the timestamp where it's shown. They show it more throughout, but here's just one instance

Official page

I'm sure this was talked about here before, sure I first heard of it through here, but couldn't fine the thread when searched.
Did find this old post though from Kingu, who called it back in 2013 :)
So guess you looking to pick this up @comradekingu ?
Is this a port of the same wonderboy 3 as this (although that's dragon's curse, not dragon's trap). To be honest there are too many games called 'Wonderboy 3' and it all gets too confusing too quickly for me.
wow... an emulator with alternative screen output..
I find this enchanting, to see how just well done animations can change the feel of a game