Wiz Vs. Dingoo - Video Face Off

Peter R said:
How exactly does this compare the two (besides showing the Wiz screen is superior)?

He's right. You aren't doing much here. First off, you're changing the default clock speed of both consoles, which is a no-no when you're trying to compare the two of them. Second, the wiz's screen does look better in all of these videos, although it does look a tad odd for some reason o.O

If you really want to do a serious comparison of the two handhelds, you would want to set them to their default clock speed, with all the emulation bells and whistles (transparencies for snes, etc.) and see how they fare there, especially on the mode resource-intensive mode7 Snes games, etc.

Also, we need to see how the dingoo does at running Quake, Doom, and Warcraft.

Otherwise, the two consoles look nearly identical the way you're running them, with the wiz being the winner based solely on it's sexy screen.
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I guess the point of the videos is to show that in terms of emulation the two machines are pretty close.

To be perfectly honest there's little point in fiddling around with clock speeds and the like as the Dingoo's emulators are some way behind those on the Wiz in terms of development (besides, SNES9x on the Dingoo doesn't currently allow you to alter anything but the clock speed, and even then you can only push it 34MHz over the default setting, which is 400MHz). However, considering that it costs half the price, I'd say the Dingoo holds up pretty well here. And the controls on the Dingoo are a million times better than those on the Wiz.

If I get chance I'll post more videos, but here's one of the Dingoo running Exhaust Heat via SNES9x:

Also, when comparing screens they -have- to be side-by-side due to viewing angle issues, putting one above the other is a serious no-no. Also with how you filmed it it also means the Wiz is always at a better viewing angle than the Dingoo.
Duddyroar said:
Wow. Didn't realise that I was being rated for my camera skills as well. ;)

We're very demanding here at the open source handheld boards. ;)

You do have a point about the dingoo being close, but I'm not sure about the controls being a million times better. Also, The dingoo doesn't seem to have Commodore 64, NeoGeo, or PC engine at the moment.

Actually, right now all I've been using my wiz for is playing magical drop II xD
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Peter R said:
beavith said:
Peter R said:
How exactly does this compare the two (besides showing the Wiz screen is superior)?
But Peter! Thats all that matters right?!?

I don't understand the intention of the quoted post :S. Is it meant to be hostile towards me?
Not at all, it was a sad attempt at sarcasm. It was hostile at this "comparison"
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Enverex said:
Also, when comparing screens they -have- to be side-by-side due to viewing angle issues, putting one above the other is a serious no-no. Also with how you filmed it it also means the Wiz is always at a better viewing angle than the Dingoo.

Ha, the Wiz could be nearly horizontal compared to the Dingoo and it would still be perfectly visible. I think this just shows off one of the strengths of the Wiz :P.
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b1ueskycomp1ex said:
If you really want to do a serious comparison of the two handhelds, you would want to set them to their default clock speed, with all the emulation bells and whistles (transparencies for snes, etc.) and see how they fare there, especially on the mode resource-intensive mode7 Snes games, etc.
Why? What if they're both shit? You can do benchmark tests and sift through a bunch of numbers, or you can demonstrate what these things are capable of in real life. I know what I'd rather see.

b1ueskycomp1ex said:
We're very demanding here at the open source handheld boards. ;)
Just because you say you are and then wink, that doesn't mean it's ok, and it doesn't mean you speak for everyone. What about "Thanks for the effort Duddyroar" and asking if he'd be willing to do some different comparisons? It's not hard to be nice.
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Enverex said:
Also, when comparing screens they -have- to be side-by-side due to viewing angle issues, putting one above the other is a serious no-no. Also with how you filmed it it also means the Wiz is always at a better viewing angle than the Dingoo.
The OLED screen of the Wiz is perfect from any angle. Only at the very extreme angles it gets slightly green-ish. Due to physical restrictions TN panels will never be nearly as good.
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Enverex said:
Also, when comparing screens they -have- to be side-by-side due to viewing angle issues, putting one above the other is a serious no-no. Also with how you filmed it it also means the Wiz is always at a better viewing angle than the Dingoo.
Well atually no matter how it would be filmed the Wiz would have a better viewing angle as OLEDs don't really have a finicky VA like LCDs do.

But I suppose the best way would be to film the Dingoo at its best angle and the Wiz you wouldn't have to worry about.

Also I found it ironic from these videos but the Dingoo actually looked to have better black level. I know it isn't the case but the Wiz had some serious glare on the screen making it look that way. Maybe these should be filmed in a darker environment.

Also you aren't really comparing systems either you are comparing emus. If one is more optimised it will look better. Here though they looked pretty much the same. You can't tell much from that far away.

b1ueskycomp1ex said:
He's right. You aren't doing much here. First off, you're changing the default clock speed of both consoles, which is a no-no when you're trying to compare the two of them. Second, the wiz's screen does look better in all of these videos, although it does look a tad odd for some reason o.O

The "bit odd" you refer to is that for some reason OLED screens tend to bloom (blur out and colors tend to overexpose) when taking a picture of them. They don't look that way in real life but cameras have a tough time with them. Maybe the OLEDs overdrive the CCD or something.

Duddyroar said:
I'd say the Dingoo holds up pretty well here. And the controls on the Dingoo are a million times better than those on the Wiz.
That is an exageration. 1 million times? hardly. If you do the simple mod on the D-pad (if you don't it still isn't that far behind) then it is actually BETTER than the Dingoo. The buttons may not be as close together on the Dingoo but it has crap "chicklet" shoulder buttons so the difference is there but not a "million times".
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DaveC said:
Also I found it ironic from these videos but the Dingoo actually looked to have better black level. I know it isn't the case but the Wiz had some serious glare on the screen making it look that way. Maybe these should be filmed in a darker environment.
I noticed that as well and just assumed it was the lighting. Still, I have to say the Dingoo screen seemed to hold up well in the video despite my hearing about it having a poor viewing angle (haven't received mine yet). Honestly, just so you don't have to hold it tilted slightly up like I had to with my GP2X F100, I'll be happy.

I also have a feeling that his "million times" quote wasn't meant to be taken entirely literally. ;)

Thanks for the comparison videos. They make me feel confident about my decision to go with the Dingoo. I just don't see the Wiz doing much that the Dingoo can't do. That might change if PSX emulation gets perfected, but I don't know when (if?) that will be.
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Firstly, thanks to Gruso for his kind words and being the voice of reason. :)

This wasn't intended to be a serious benchmark comparison but rather a snapshot of where the two machines are now. As I said, I think the Dingoo is doing pretty well at the moment, considering the tiny number of developers that are working on it when compared to the Wiz.

As for my 'million times' quote, of course it was an exaggeration; a figure of speech. However, I still maintain that the Dingoo has better controls and is easier to game on (although to be honest both consoles give me cramp after a while).

However, I'll have to investigate this Wiz d-pad mod. If I can fix that element of the machine then I'd be very happy indeed.
I have a sort of off topic question for those that have used both devices. How do the built in speakers compare? If you aren't using headphones, which one sounds better?
I can't say there's much between them, to be honest. I suppose the placement of the Wiz speakers is better because they're facing you, whereas the Dingoo ones are on the bottom of the unit, where you can sometimes cover them with your hands.