Wiz Current Emulation Questions


Aug 5, 2007
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Hey Guys

I was going to post in another thread, but I don't think it fits with all the questions I have hehe.

Anyways I hope someone can answer some of my questions.

Snes question: I know there's a port of Pocketsnes already and I thank you very much for that.
When I had my GP2X I used to love using SquidgeSNES, Squidge is it possible to get this running on the Wiz?

I've gone ahead and ordered a Wiz from Think Geek. You guys in the states say they are good so I took your word for it :)

I'm really looking forward to trying out this new device.

Last thing I don't think the dev's get thanked enough for there hard work, So thanks very much guys for letting us play all our childhood classics ;)

Snes compatibility Pocket Snes:

Fully Playable:

7th saga, The
Adams Family, The
Alien 3
Another World / Out of this world
Big Sky Trooper
Black Thorne
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire II
Chrono Trigger
Choplifter 3
Cool Spot
Contra III
Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen
Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen
Demon's Crest
Desert Strike
Donkey Kong Country
Diddy Kong's Quest
Dixie Kongs Double Trouble
Double Dragon
Dragon Quest 6
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
E.V.O. Search for the Garden of Even
Final Fantasy II
Goof Troop
Gradius III
Harvest Moon
Home Improvement
Illusion of Gaia
Indana Jones Trilogy
Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park II
Kid Clown in Crazy Chase
Kirby's Dream Course
Lost Vikings
Lost Vikings II
Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past, the
Lion King, The
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals
Madden NFL 98
Megaman 7
Megaman X
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X3
Paperboy 2
Pinball Dreams
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure
Pocky & Rocky
Pocky & Rocky II
Prince of Persia
Rock'n Roll Racing
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Secret of the Stars
Sim City
Super Adventure Island
Super Bomberman
Super Bomberman 2
Super Bonk
Super Castlevania IV
Super international Cricket
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario World
Super Punch-Out!!
Super Star Wars
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi
Street Fighter II
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time
Tetris & Doctor Mario
True Lies
Turrican II
Wild Guns
X-Men Mutant Apocalypse
Young Merlin
Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Playable Need's Tweaks:

Final Fantasy 6
Mortal Kombat 2
Super Mario Kart
Super Metroid
Weapon Lord

Doesn't Work Well or At All

Robocop Vs Terminator
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Kirby Dream Land 3
Kirby Superstar
Mortal Kombat 3
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure
Star Fox
Star Fox 2
Super Mario RPG

Update: It's good to see so many games fully playable on the Wiz and the emu is not fully optimized for the Wiz yet.

Guys and Gals please post your Snes results.

i Just loaded the following games to test, I loved secret of Mana, never knew there was another game just like it.

Blackthrone = perfect 60FPS with transperices off, 40 with transparencies on

Rock'n Roll Racing = runs perfect 60FPS

Secret of Evermore = Runs OK, but prob needs frame skip if using transparencies

Secret of Mana = with transparencies on needs frame skip or sound will be slow, without it it seems fine full 60FPS
However, for some reason the game seems to run a bit faster than I remember it. It may just be me. Are these SNES emulators made to make sure game runs at normal speed?

Maybe someone can fill me in on the deal with the transparencies.
Maybe someone can also fill me in on what is the optimal FPS, is 60FPS much better than 30FPS?

Overall, games run full speed but you will have to turn off transparencies.
im a little disspointed about secret of mana. i will buy my wiz soon. but i thought the snes emu would be better than psp. on my psp secret of mana play 60 fps all the times with transparency and sound. even final fantasy 2 and evermore if i remember correctly. ( with the last snes modded version)
DRED said:
i Just loaded the following games to test, I loved secret of Mana, never knew there was another game just like it.

Blackthrone = perfect 60FPS with transperices off, 40 with transparencies on

Rock'n Roll Racing = runs perfect 60FPS

Secret of Evermore = Runs OK, but prob needs frame skip if using transparencies

Secret of Mana = with transparencies on needs frame skip or sound will be slow, without it it seems fine full 60FPS
However, for some reason the game seems to run a bit faster than I remember it. It may just be me. Are these SNES emulators made to make sure game runs at normal speed?

Maybe someone can fill me in on the deal with the transparencies.
Maybe someone can also fill me in on what is the optimal FPS, is 60FPS much better than 30FPS?

Overall, games run full speed but you will have to turn off transparencies.

Thanks mate :)

What CPU Clock settings are you using?
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I was using the default clock speed in the software which was set at 540, raising it does raise FPS but doesn't change much when using transparencies.
DRED said:
I was using the default clock speed in the software which was set at 540, raising it does raise FPS but doesn't change much when using transparencies.

Thanks very much for that.

Oh one more thing could you quickly try these for me please?

Zombies Ate my Neigbours
Mortal Kombat 2

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Zombies Ate my Neigbours = perfect 60FPS, with transparencies on

Mortal Kombat 2 = runs OK, transparencies on in the 20's, needs frame skip, without transparencies seems to run 50's. I wouldn't consider playing fighting games with the controls on this thing, not in less you modify it.
DRED said:
Blackthrone = perfect 60FPS with transperices off, 40 with transparencies on

I can't play Blackthorne in my wiz, which are your settings?

By the way, this thread could be a good chance to make a compatibility list, we can pust our results and the original poster can recopile them in the first post of this thread.
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Don Flamenco said:
DRED said:
Blackthrone = perfect 60FPS with transperices off, 40 with transparencies on

I can't play Blackthorne in my wiz, which are your settings?

By the way, this thread could be a good chance to make a compatibility list, we can pust our results and the original poster can recopile them in the first post of this thread.

Sounds good to me, I'd be happy to do that :)

Edit: I've started a little compabilty list. Please keep posting results guys :)

I'll have my Wiz soon I hope, so I will add to list my results also.
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I'll add my results too :D , I'll use the same code as you so you only have to copy and paste

Fully Playable:

7th saga, The
Adams Family, The
Alien 3
Big Sky Trooper
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire II
Chrono Trigger
Cool Spot
Demon's Crest
Donkey Kong Country
Dragon Quest 6
Earthworm Jim
Final Fantasy II
Goof Troop
Gradius III
Harvest Moon
Illusion of Gaia
Indana Jones Trilogy
Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park II
Kid Clown in Crazy Chase
Kirby's Dream Course
Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past, the
Lion King, The
Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals
Megaman 7
Megaman X
Paperboy 2
Pocky & Rocky
Pocky & Rocky II
Prince of Persia
Secret of Mana
Secret of the Stars
Sim City
Super Adventure Island
Super Bomberman 2
Super Bonk
Super Castlevania IV
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario World
Super Punch-Out!!
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time
Tetris & Doctor Mario
True Lies
Wild Guns
X-Men Mutant Apocalypse
Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Playable Need's Tweaks:

Contra III - The Alien Wars -> you have to turn the transparencies off
Soulblazer -> you have to turn the transparencies off
Super Metroid -> bad framerate if you got the transparencies on
Terranigma -> doesn't work on pollux

Doesn't Work:

Cybernator -> doesn't load
Diddy Kong's Quest -> doesn't load
Dixie Kongs Double Trouble -> doesn't load
DooM -> 1-5 fps, unplayable
E.V.O. Search for the Garden of Even -> doesn't load
Earthworm Jim 2 -> doesn't load
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest -> doesn't go further titlescreen
Home Improvement -> doesn't load
Kirby Dream Land 3 -> doesn't load
Lost Vikings -> doesn't load
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom -> doesn't load
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure -> doesn't load
Star Fox -> doesn't load
Star Fox 2 -> 1-5 fps, unplayable
Super bomberman -> doesn't load
Super Mario RPG -> doesn't load
Super Star Wars -> doesn't load
Young Merlin -> it freezes after 5 minutes of gameplay more or less

I played all of this games with pollux, 540mhz and with the sound on, If you need aditional information about one of them just ask.

tested @540 MHz, transparencies on

Fully Playable:
Another World / Out of this world
Choplifter 3
Desert Strike
Double Dragon
Lost Vikings II
Madden NFL 98
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X3
Pinball Dreams
Street Fighter II
Turrican II

Playable Need's Tweaks (both are perfectly fine when overclocked):
Final Fantasy 6 (music lags, mode 7 is slow)
F-Zero (slow)

Doesn't Work:
Mortal Kombat 3 (very slow, sound *ouch*)

Some contrary results (depending on rom?):

Fully Playable:
E.V.O. Search for the Garden of Even
Lost Vikings
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure
Super Star Wars
Contra III

Doesn't Work:

Super Mario Kart (slow ~12FPS, crashes after some time)
Starfox - it DOES load, but it is very slow
Sitizen said:
Some contrary results (depending on rom?):

Fully Playable:
E.V.O. Search for the Garden of Even
Lost Vikings
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure
Super Star Wars
Contra III

Doesn't Work:[/b]
Super Mario Kart (slow ~12FPS, crashes after some time)
Starfox - it DOES load, but it is very slow

Confirmed, they works, It was my emulator :) , it was corrupted or something, so I tried some games again and others, so these are the results:

Fully Playable

Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt
Contra III
Diddy Kong's Quest
Dixie Kongs Double Trouble
Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen
Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen
Earthworm Jim 2
E.V.O. Search for the Garden of Even
Home Improvement
Lost Vikings
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure
Super Bomberman
Super Mario Kart - I've played it first at 540mhz with transparencies on, it was a bit slow, later I played it at 630mhz with transparencies on and runs PERFECT and stable (I played it for more than half hour and I have any problems), I don't give much credit to the fps counter in mode7 games.
Super Star Wars
Young Merlin

Doesn't Work - Unplayable

Robocop Vs Terminator - Yeah... I know it loads, and it's "playable", but that fucking flashing ruins it, that light fuckfest gives me headache , thanks god I'm not epileptic...
Kirby Superstar -> doesn't load

Sorry for the confusion :(

joshwaan2k said:
Thanks very much added :)

Got a request guys.

Weapon Lord
Ultraman lol gotta know if this is playable :P
Super international Cricket

Weapon Lord -> runs slow (<25 fps)
Ultraman -> fully playable
Super international Cricket -> fully playable
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Does the game kirby superstar work? I have tried, it loads to a blank screen.
Hey guys.

Great list, thanks.

But I got a question that confuses me. Both of the Battle Toads games (BB & Double Dragon and BB in Battlemaniacs) once worked on my Wiz, but now they don't start anymore! All I get is a black screen with 50 FPS. Does it depend on the rom?

Same goes for Super Turrican & Super Mario RPG (except those 2 never loaded).
Got my Wiz today love it will be testing some games out will post back some results.


I've having some issues getting Black Thorne to work and MK2 any ideas?

Using US version of games.