[Wiz] Bennugd/gph Contest Winners


Feb 21, 2003
The winners for the first BennuGD/GPH game programming compo are:

1st – EEEEK! EEEEEK! HOOOOOOK!!! by La Momia Que Fuma
Prize: 1 Wiz console + accessories

2nd – Danger Quest: Monster Night by Stefan Todd
Prize: 1 Wiz console

3rd – The amazing adventures of Echo by Drumpi
Prize: Wiz accessories

The other entries:

Apocalypso by imerion

Bennu Shooter by vulcanwilliams

Defender-X by juansrx

Humos by orlando8nov

PUZSION by hokutoy

Snails Race by futublog

Zombies 2012 by gecko

ZOMG – Zombies On My Glass by ariel_yust

Zverealm: Shroud of Lies and Twilight by quasist

To download the games without included bennugd runtime: http://betatester.bennugd.org/contest-2009-bennugd-wiz/



Thanks to NEWSWEEZ for the news/format.
Lot's of nice looking games there! Congrats to the winners and the non-winners too.
trentg said:
Lot's of nice looking games there! Congrats to the winners and the non-winners too.


All the game are playable in wiz and also in PC (Windows/Linux).

Try Puzsion (my entry) it's a nice game :lol: and drop some feedback.

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Puzsion is awesome and super addicting - playing it instead of working :rolleyes:

Two features would be super nice: custom mp3/mod playback and version for left-handed, I just can't see the left side panel while playing.
I really like Puzsion too, really fun and well polished. Would be nice for a d-pad mode as well instead of just the stylus.
Also, when entering your initials.. there's no way to backspace or anything.

Eeeeek isn't running on my Wiz. It says loading for awhile, then goes back to the main menu. I have the newest firmware and all the other games work fine except for this one.
Kinda sucks since it's the first place game.

It would also be nice if Adventures of Echo had an overclock mode.. it's running pretty choppy on my Wiz.. maybe that's just how it's supposed to be.
An 'Exit Game' feature would be nice too.. so I don't have to turn off my Wiz then turn it back on.
Deevoh said:
It would also be nice if Adventures of Echo had an overclock mode.. it's running pretty choppy on my Wiz.. maybe that's just how it's supposed to be.
An 'Exit Game' feature would be nice too.. so I don't have to turn off my Wiz then turn it back on.

it does have an exit. from the start screen hit right or left, and "exit" will appear. it's kind of hidden, it took me awhile to find it too.
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Echo has an option to overclock: just open the GPE file and change the pollux_set line as you wish. By default it's at 750MHz... or I think so, i don't have a WIZ :D So you can put a higher value if your WIZ can do it.
Also, there is a line on echo.prg:
You can put some frameskip if you want.
But i don't know why is so "choppy" on WIZ: on GP2X works fine, in second level falls to 50% of speed, but im talking on a GP2X with Open2X firm, 240MHz and RAM timings activated. WIZ can't move it at 750MHz? why?

And sorry for the hidden EXIT, i was in a hurry ^^U
Puzion is an awesome game. It seems like a premium/paid-for game.

There are some other cool games too.
I'm going to do a revision of "The amazing adventures of Echo" soon, so i hope you can submit me all bugs you found and features you want.
One thing i will add is an auto-save. So you can continue your adventure on every screen or level you complete. I don't know if could add "checkpoints" on second level, but i will try.

So, you can tell me here or on project subforum.
Hokutoy, thank you for posting the screen shots. I wasn't able to find any on BenuuGD's website. Puzsion is a lot of fun, I know my girlfriend likes it. Do you have a web site with the different games/projects you've worked on or are currently working on?
kruz said:
Hokutoy, thank you for posting the screen shots. I wasn't able to find any on BenuuGD's website. Puzsion is a lot of fun, I know my girlfriend likes it. Do you have a web site with the different games/projects you've worked on or are currently working on?
Thanks to all for the nice words and feedback!
For the features requested:
Mp3/mod support: Sorry. BennuGD dosen't support Mp3. It uses Ogg. You can change the music yourself if you replace the music files for you own music (in ogg format). Beware of the size of the files.
Other requests like panel change to the right, d-pad control, etc... involves major coding changes so it not happen anytime soon. So sorry.

I'm an amateur coder so i don't have website... maybe i should?
My previous work is very short:
SF2Pong... and old Fenix game for Gp32.
Shock Troopers Base Defense but you know this game... ¿right? ;)

Right now i'm working in a update for Shock Troopers and in a Spacial Shooter:


PD: Sorry for my bad english
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Mp3/mod support: Sorry. BennuGD dosen't support Mp3. It uses Ogg. You can change the music yourself if you replace the music files for you own music (in ogg format). Beware of the size of the files.

Cool to know, I'll convert some of my favorite tunes into .ogg format. Thanks.
Hokutoy said:
Thanks to all for the nice words and feedback!
For the features requested:
Mp3/mod support: Sorry. BennuGD dosen't support Mp3. It uses Ogg. You can change the music yourself if you replace the music files for you own music (in ogg format). Beware of the size of the files.
Other requests like panel change to the right, d-pad control, etc... involves major coding changes so it not happen anytime soon. So sorry.

I'm an amateur coder so i don't have website... maybe i should?
My previous work is very short:
SF2Pong... and old Fenix game for Gp32.
Shock Troopers Base Defense but you know this game... ¿right? ;)

Right now i'm working in a update for Shock Troopers and in a Spacial Shooter:


PD: Sorry for my bad english

I google'd Hokutoy and came across the SF2Pong. I didn't think it would work on the Wiz so I didn't download it. As far as Shock Troopers, yes I am familiar with it and am looking forward to your next update. ^_^ As far as amateur coders go, you've created 2 of my favorite games for the Wiz. Thanks, and keep up the great work!

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