Bennu Contest

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Es gibt wieder mal einen Programmierwettbewerb für den Wiz.

Die Wahl des Themas steht den Teilnehmern frei. Das Spiel muss entweder auf dem Wiz oder einem PC in der Auflösung des Wiz lauffähig sein und in Bennu geschrieben werden. Die ersten beiden Preise sind jeweils ein Wiz.

* The game's topic is free.
* The games should run on PC and Wiz.
* The games must be programmed using BennuGD.

* The games will be 2D.

* The games should run properly on a screen resolution of 320x240x16
(scale_resolution can be used to get this requirement)

* Only accept original games (not previously releases)
* Only original or free graphics, sound and music are allowed.

* The games must will include GPH's logo and BennuGD's logo at the beginning of it (those logos will be provided by the organizers of this contest).

* The games must include the full source code, resources, compiling and running scripts, .ini and all the necessary stuffs for the proper execution of the game in PC (Windows and Linux) and WIZ. For WIZ, the runtime should be used in folder .. /bgd-runtime (the runtime files don't are requiered include on package).

* Joystick and/or mouse supports is requiered.
* Will be appraise the use of the touchscreen (in the case of Wiz), in case of PC, this will be the PC mouse (left button).
* The game's language must be at least in English. More than one language is allowed.
* We will not accept the use of unofficial modules (dlls/so).
* Each participant may submit as many games to consider, but only the best of them may be creditors of one prize.

* We will evaluate the following categories:

- originality
- playability
- addiction
- graphics
- sound (music/effects).

* The court shall consist of GPH (the sponsor), SplinterGU (BennuGD) and some other members to nominate (this members will be announced shortly).
* Jurors don't may participate in the contest.

* Under no circumstances will allow games that infringe copyright in any aspect/feature of it.

* Games will not racist, discriminatory or prejudicial to the morals and custom, or prejudice of persons / entities / etc.
* Contestants retain copyright of their works, which means you can reuse / donate code and resources on other projects. But both GPH as BennuGD may freely use all the games involving the competition, provided that this does not represent the sale of such games. BennuGD and GPH are authorized by the contestants to make free and open use of the games participants on issues such as: preinstalled games include in new Wiz or post it on their website as free fee download games, use them as promotion of their products, etc... The contestant shall not claim any economic reward to it.

* Participation in this competition implies knowledge and acceptance of the rules previously mentioned.

* Start/Finish time (subject to confirmation):

- Registration until November 15th (not required)
- Delivery until 6 January (the games must be send to
- Results on January 16

* Awards (for now only 1 prize):
1st Prize: 1 Full Package WIZ (Wiz + accessories)
2nd Prize: 1 Wiz.
3rd Prize: Accessories Wiz.