Winxp Gp32 Driver + Xp Sp2


Still Fresh
Aug 26, 2003
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For some reason my Windows XP Pro pc no longer recognises my gp32 as being attatched and I just get an unknown dervice com up whenever I plug it into my pc. As such, I cannot use PC Link, not a big problem, but it annoys me to have something not working.

Im pretty sure its ever since I installed Service Pack 2. Has anyone else had the same problem? Ive tried reinstalling the gp32 drivers numerous times, but no change with either the offical drivers or fireflys.

Any ideas?
I think other people have experienced this problem after installing XP sp2. You can definatly fix it by using a usb SMC reader, or GPdrive. I'm not sure if you able to uninstall SP2, (although I doubt you'd want to). I'm not sure if there are other rivers that work, or if you could re-install the drivers to fix it, but it's worth a shot.
I had a problem but I removed the Drivers then re-installed then. To have them working again. But on my other system I used the newest USB Drivers (not the ones of my CD from gamepark) and it worked just fine :D
Apparently, quite a few driver issues on XP SP2 can be solved by updating and/or removing and reinstalling drivers. Some of the problem just comes from updated DLLs that can be written over with older versions when you reinstall, thus correcting the problem...