Winups 2.0 Comming Soon!!


Mar 15, 2004
karthur says that he will show his new winups with the euro launch, in 18 days!!
the new features are a mistery,but its working now in one special feature, CHATBOARD COMPATIBILITY! (reason.many people in gp32spain says that want this feature ^^, and karthur listen us

karthur forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bringoutthegimp posted on May 28 2004 at 05:00 PM said:
excuse but i dont understand the meaning of "kick on",use different words please ^^
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no, built in stuff sux! i A built-in MP3 player would raise the filesize, and everybody had to have it on their SMC´s
kool. and yeah i think its does mean rock on or kick ass. but what is the big deal with phrases like
"All your name are belong to us"
"All my five are belong to this"
i dont get it. it has like six grammer mistakes. :blink:
Actually its All your base are belongs to us, and it comes from an old game shooting game called
Yup, Zero Wing, I just wanted to see what kind of response I'd get. Rico, aren't there enough mp3 players yet :P
yo i like this wind-ups thinggy i tried it and found that there are severalfiles in development!
Ok here is what i wanna kno what happened to devrs's windowsGP program i want it bad man ! Its cool as if anyone knows how to get a program like it i would like to kno E-mail me PM thinggy won't work i'm not usually here ! Oh and what up with wolf3d fxe thinggy it totally jams and then flys and repeat ... i got the real game and it don't do that i tell ya !

oh i got some sik stuf i made for the windups like new bg files and some kool icons man ! oh my point about wind-ups is needs taskbar program with feel of win95 at least !

thanks for reading if anyone does ! B)
:lol: gp32_console I got mine !