WINE on the Pandora?


May 14, 2012
Michigan, United States
I aim to use Foobar2000 with the Pandora along with a USB DAC as a sort of Hi-Fi portable player. I know that the Pandora uses the ARM architecture and therefore cannot run windows natively, but can it run windows applications through WINE? I tried searching for this and couldn't find any information, anywhere.

My guess is no. If not, is there a foobar clone for linux?
As you suspect, I don't think you can.

This thread might help answer in more detail by more knowledgeable heads:

I don't know about foobar though
wine is not an x86 emulator; it runs the existing code, and supplies equivilent libraries to win32 libraries.

Someday someone will build a version of wine that uses qemu or some other architecture emulator to load x86 binaries on ARM, and use wine's win32 library layer.. but no one has done that yet. (Its a pretty large job, and a number of groups around the world have started it, but I don't think anyone ever got anywhere useful yet.)

I don't track the issue, but it does come up relatively frequency as ARM platforms multiply..

Also, why do you want a external DAC? The built in one is very, very good
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And also, there are quite a selection of media player software. Is there any particular reason for foobar2000, i.e. is there something it does that is crucial for you? If you tell us the necessary feature, we might help you with the selection :) I mean,
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Also, why do you want a external DAC? The built in one is very, very good

This I was not aware of. However I do have a couple of really high impedance headphones that need a LOT of power to function, and the DAC I would use has a built-in amp for power-hungry headphones.

If the USB DAC doesn't work, I'll just connect the unit to the Pandora's line out, now that I know the Pandora has a good DAC. Thanks for the info.

And also, there are quite a selection of media player software. Is there any particular reason for foobar2000, i.e. is there something it does that is crucial for you? If you tell us the necessary feature, we might help you with the selection :) I mean,
Foobar is very, VERY lightweight, full-featured, and has the best software-based equalizer I've ever found. The main thing is the Equalizer, because some of my headphones sound weird on portable players and need a little bit of EQing to get them to sound the way I want.
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my sennheiser hd280pro and hd495 work just fine, and have no reason to use my fiio e7 on pandora
Also, why do you want a external DAC? The built in one is very, very good

This I was not aware of. However I do have a couple of really high impedance headphones that need a LOT of power to function, and the DAC I would use has a built-in amp for power-hungry headphones.

If the USB DAC doesn't work, I'll just connect the unit to the Pandora's line out, now that I know the Pandora has a good DAC. Thanks for the info.

And also, there are quite a selection of media player software. Is there any particular reason for foobar2000, i.e. is there something it does that is crucial for you? If you tell us the necessary feature, we might help you with the selection :) I mean,
Foobar is very, VERY lightweight, full-featured, and has the best software-based equalizer I've ever found. The main thing is the Equalizer, because some of my headphones sound weird on portable players and need a little bit of EQing to get them to sound the way I want.

When I used to use windows... I too loved foobar2000! There are plenty of decent music application in linux land though! for Pandora my favourites are DeadBEEF (Which is very similar in look and feel and featureset to foobar) and Rockbox, which is more like a media player frimware - it's good as you can use the shoulderbuttons as tracking skipping. It also does have a LOT of features and sound settings, both have replaygain support.
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This I was not aware of. However I do have a couple of really high impedance headphones that need a LOT of power to function, and the DAC I would use has a built-in amp for power-hungry headphones.

Pandora has a fairly strong headphone amp on board, you'll probably be fine.
Which headphones, if I may?
The Pioneer SE-700... it's piezoelectric. It was designed to plug into the speaker taps of a stereo receiver. Very very quiet without being amped.

However, given this info I'll wait to buy the amp until I know whether I need it or not. Thanks a lot!
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