Other Consoles Should Not Be On Front Page


NazcaBeer Spokesman
Feb 9, 2004
Visit site
I don't think that any post made in the other-consoles board should be on the front page.
I just got my GP32 a few weeks ago so I'm still pretty hyped up about it and when I
come to this site I want to see GP32 related stuff in the disscusion boards. There are other boards specifically for posting topics about specific consoles and I'm pretty sure that you'd benefit more from posting on one of those forums than this one. I honestly don't mind the posts made in the other consoles section, but I don't think they need to be on the front page were GP32 specific stuff should go. Imagine a this, someone stumbles upon this site (as I did about a year ago) not knowing what the hell a GP32 is. Now for me, there was a lot of interesting stuff for me to read right on the front page posts. It helped me learn enough about it to become interested and start looking more into this truley unique system. Now though, if a newcomer were to stumbler upon here they'd be greated with a front page dedicated to the GP32 but then all the posts would be on DS stuff. Yes, they could search the rest of the boards eaisily enough but not everyone would want to do that especially if they don't even care about it yet. They could eaisily miss out on one of the greatest handheld gaming experiences as of now. I'm sure glad that there wasn't a lot of stuff on other consoles when I first came upon this site but I know if it was full of other stuff I probably would have just left and never heard of the GP32 again (which would seriously suck ass). So I think that posts made in the other consoles section should NOT be on the front page.*

- Tekt5

* This is just my opinion and not true fact pleasse don't flame me too much for making this post either.

Also to back up linkinpark I did realize that whenever anyone brought up the zodiac about half a year ago then they got the hell flamed out of them but no one seems to care about the many posts on the DS ;)
tekt5 posted on Dec 3 2004 at 12:19 AM said:
I don't think that any post made in the other-consoles board should be on the front page.
I just got my GP32 a few weeks ago so I'm still pretty hyped up about it and when I
come to this site I want to see GP32 related stuff in the disscusion boards. There are other boards specifically for posting topics about specific consoles and I'm pretty sure that you'd benefit more from posting on one of those forums than this one. I honestly don't mind the posts made in the other consoles section, but I don't think they need to be on the front page were GP32 specific stuff should go. Imagine a this, someone stumbles upon this site (as I did about a year ago) not knowing what the hell a GP32 is. Now for me, there was a lot of interesting stuff for me to read right on the front page posts. It helped me learn enough about it to become interested and start looking more into this truley unique system. Now though, if a newcomer were to stumbler upon here they'd be greated with a front page dedicated to the GP32 but then all the posts would be on DS stuff. Yes, they could search the rest of the boards eaisily enough but not everyone would want to do that especially if they don't even care about it yet. They could eaisily miss out on one of the greatest handheld gaming experiences as of now. I'm sure glad that there wasn't a lot of stuff on other consoles when I first came upon this site but I know if it was full of other stuff I probably would have just left and never heard of the GP32 again (which would seriously suck ass). So I think that posts made in the other consoles section should NOT be on the front page.*

- Tekt5

* This is just my opinion and not true fact pleasse don't flame me too much for making this post either.

Also to back up linkinpark I did realize that whenever anyone brought up the zodiac about half a year ago then they got the hell flamed out of them but no one seems to care about the many posts on the DS ;)

Thank you Bro. You see where Im comming from.

Thx again
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I also agree, today when i went to gp32x, about half of the recent posts on the message board were about the ds. Its not right, i want to see recent posts invovling gp32 news and stuff, not about the ds.
I just got my GP32 so i'm interested in GP32 stuff
I don't have a DS nor do I plan on getting one for a while
as I don't have the money and I want to wait for both the
PSP and the DS to be out for a little whilebefore I choose
so I'm not interested in DS stuff as of now.

edit: right now on the front page there are 3 DS topics in a row
4 now
I agree with this
linkinpark was in the wrong for cussing so much, but the reasons were justafied
he just went... verbal ( dont worry man, I did it once, started a big old problem, but its cool now )
He is right that its anoying to see so many DS posts on a GP32 board, hell, Ive seen more on the front page here than at GBATemp.net a lot of times
right now, 3 DS topics in Front page GBATemp, 4 here
Other consoles stuff shouldnt be on the front page, it distracts me from seeing what I come here to see, GP32 stuff! when I dont have much time, I dont want to go to home page and half the threads be about the DS ( speccially when " I H8 TEH DS !!11 " ) I want it all to be relatd to GP32 in some way
I dont want to dig through the forums, and have to stop becaus my limited time was wasted going through DS threads on forums that have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DS!!

If you want DS info, got to GBATEMP.net , youll get more / better answers there without people bitchin ( usually ) ( and we have that right o bitch on this subect by the way )

TelcoLou posted on Dec 3 2004 at 01:31 AM said:
I sense a rising disturbance in the force ...

This is the first time i see this guy on the board and i really dont like him. HES what you call a troll.
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Yes, I hate to say it, but you have been lowering your standards man
come on man, this is gettin old.. Real old.. and its gayer that aids to go around posting dumb shit in topics and starting topics just cause you got into an argument
Grow up

personally, I'm happy to see non-gp32-related posts on the front page. I'm interested in the DS, and I'm enjoying being a part of this community. the '8 newest posts' frontpage thing is kindof a bonus feature for me in that no other webforum I go to has it...

to those of you who want a GP32 ONLY GODDAMMIT :@:@:@ webpage here, chill out... If you're a member, all you have to do is click any of those posts, then hit the 'view new posts' link at the top of the screen... purely GP32 stuff gets boring after a while... what's wrong with talking about other stuff? (to the guy who said keep it purely GP32 on the frontpage to attract potential customers, please think when you want to sacrifice the usability of the english-speaking community's main focus for the sake of a few dozen more users...)

I can't be arsed to look through past posts, but it seems linkinpark is annoyed by flaming he got while posting about the gizmondo, while others get off scot-free about the DS... consider this, linkin... *the DS is a totally different thing*

the DS and PSP are about to be the next 2 big players in the handheld market,,, and guess what? by being here, you're gonna probably be a fan of handhelds (or retro gaming, in which case you'll probably be mature enough not to get involved in pissy word-wars...) Lots of people here are interested in the DS ;) (and the PSP :P)

leave the frontpage as it is, I reckon... And GIGAS stuff should be on there too... (if it's not )...

peace out.
I agree with the gigas stuff being there...as that's gp32 related
maybe there should be a way to set what boards
display new posts on the front page... I think that would make
everyone happy
I agree with toxibunny i'm interested in the DS and PSP and at least here the opinions aren't as bias as on Gamefaqs etc.
I agree with toxibunny i'm interested in the DS and PSP and at least here the opinions aren't as bias as on Gamefaqs etc.

ya thats true

i don't mind the board being here I just
don't really like it on the front page :rolleyes:
Having an "other consoles" forum is good because it helps keep the GP32 specific forums clean and on topic. But yeah, it really could be left off of the front page.
I don't mind the other console stuff on the front page. I thought the zodiac stuff was annoying because it wasn't really news, it was a couple pricks saying how much the zodiac rules and how our gp32s suck the big balls. I don't see anyone saying that with the DS stuff.

As far as buying/selling topics, I'm annoyed with any posts for any system with that. I like seeing the DS posts because they're usually about something cool, some new hack or something. As a programmer, that's what I want to see, some reverse engineering or something.

That's just me though... :ph34r:
Alpha2 posted on Dec 3 2004 at 03:21 AM said:
Having an "other consoles" forum is good because it helps keep the GP32 specific forums clean and on topic. But yeah, it really could be left off of the front page.

Thing is this is gp32_console .com NOT Ds.COM gET it? thESE fourms wernt for ds talk. THey were meant for gp32 talk. aNyWAYZ theres tons of fourums out there specifily for the ds. And trust me youll get allong allot better down there then you will on these forums because people on these fourums want to talk about this gp32_console not this []
[] Got It?
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Why quote my post?

Yes it's a GP32 themed forum but people are going to talk about other systems here no matter what. It makes sense to have a place where they can do that independant of the main topic just as many forums have specfic off topic sections, otherwise the Mods would be overloaded with attempting to lock topics every time someone spoke off topic.