I know... I was just about to mention that!!
Thats the trouble with computers, there's so much shit to learn and you can't give an explanation of something without some smart-arse coming along and explaining in great detail where you got it wrong!
...And the more you learn, the more confusing it gets: to check compatability, I started looking into Ram Density and CAS latency and stuff (don't ask!!) and the more I read, the more other shit I had to learn before I could understand. I gave up after about 3 hours.
Rico posted on Jul 30 2004 at 02:56 PM said:
Pubjoe, memory prices as you know are just ridiculous. I think a 512 stick was £50 incl. VAT when I went to buy it, and while my mum was deliberating about lending me the cash it went up to £100. Or something. It's now about £60. With prices as high as they are I'd just get 1 Gb max. You're unlikely to need anything more; most things seem to need VRAM instead.
I was looking at the difference between Low and High quality in DOOM3... and there is barely any difference. My current system will run low at 1024x768 and probably med at 800x600... with the lack of real addition to detail when you go to high or ultra quality, it might not even be worth upgrading. OTOH, there is Half-Life 2 to worry about.
Yeah, if that beta is anything to go by, then my system held up surprisingly well aswell (XP1600+ with geforce 4200ti-128MB and 256MB ram). It paused to read the hard drive from time to time because of the really low amount of ram).
As far as buying 2GB of ram, I can justify it a bit because I use a lot of Photoshop/Quark/Flash/Dreamweaver/lots of fonts etc etc... I also share the PC, so we switch-users quite often (usually leaving all my crap running). So my system is always using the scratch disk (harddrive used as virtual ram).
I know 1GB alone is still a big jump from 256 (it will make a big difference to games) but I'm worried that the computer will still be using the scratch disk quite a lot, making the upgrade a bit pointless.
I think I might buy 2x512 for now to try it out and I can always sell it and upgrade later (My MB only has 2 ram slots btw).