Windows Xp Gp2x Usb Drivers


Still Fresh
Oct 8, 2006

I was hoping someone could help me out.

If anyone knows where I can find the neccesary drivers in order for my GP2X to be able to connect to my PC running Windows XP via USB, it would be muchly appreciated. The drivers did not come with my GP2X, and Ive been having troble finding them. Knowing me, they're probably right in front of my nose, but still I would be very appreciative if anyone knows where I can find these drivers.

Thanks for reading this :)

first of all, thanks for the reply :)

However it seem this will only work on the Linux OS. Or so it says. I don't use Linux, I have it on my laptop, but I use my built in card reder on that anyhow, and at the moment the laptop is on the fritz.

Thanks for trying though. I really appreciate the quick response :)


anyone know where I can get a driver like this for the Windows XP Professional Operating System?

Thanks in advance!


My apologies, it seems this will do just fine for windows aswell.

Thank you VERY much!

Use the link above.

Its IS what you are looking for.

In the zip file is a .inf file. Which is a windows driver file.

The only reason Linux is mentioned, is because the device is called something like Linux RNDIS device.

Extract the zip, and when it asks for you to select a driver, point to the .inf file.


Quote from the top of that page.

"If Windows is asking for software when using the GP2X USB, download this and point the location to this file"
The GP2X should just show up as a Mass Storage Device; Windows XP has the drivers built-in. If it's not showing up, try a different cable. You only need the RNDIS drivers if you're trying to get USB networking going.
yes the mass storage device is not being detected at all, could it be that I'm using a USB1.0 Port rather than a 2.0?

Thanks for all your replies, much apreciated :)

PupilEX posted on Oct 8 2006 at 04:08 PM said:
yes the mass storage device is not being detected at all, could it be that I'm using a USB1.0 Port rather than a 2.0?

Thanks for all your replies, much apreciated :)

the supplied cables can be faulty sometimes, it's just a standard mini usb so it should be easy to obtain (most digital camera use them)
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Thanks you. Changing the cable did ndeed work. Thanks again to all of you for your replies and help :)

now that you mention it, i sometimes loose the connection using the cable that came with the gp2x..
I just bought a brand new GP2X that I tried using for the first time now. Windows XP refused to recognize the unit when I connected it to the USB port. Then I tried using the cable from my digital camera, and it worked perfectly. So the USB cable that shipped with my GP2X was faulty.
Mine works, but only on the 500mhz Win2k PC.
It doesn't work with the Athlon64 3500+ WinXP PC (for that one, I use some other cable I got from SOMEWHERE)...

Really, really weird.. :/