Windows On A Dingoo... :d


Still Fresh
Nov 24, 2008
Just ran a japanese Windows 1.03 over Neko Project II (PC98 emulator)...


Note the early taskbar

Excuse the bad quality Enjoy the beauty of fbgrab.
I ofcourse tried Windows 3.1 too, but had no luck with the premade hard disk image. Will try to install on an empty harddisk. Found Windows 2.1 too, have to install it too, 1.0 runs from the disk. ^_^

There is a Windows 95 version too, didn´t find a place to download it though, except eDonkey (0 sources...). 98/2000 shall exist too.

Now you´ll ask: Why?
I don´t know, just wanted to see if it runs. :p Anyone knows if it´d be theoretically possible to run older windows games (e.g. Destruction Derby) via that way? I read it´s possible to run most PC98 Windows games on english windows versions, maybe it works reverse too?

And now flame me. :)
Does Neko Project II actually emulate the 386 variants of PC98? That's with regard to running Windows 95 and higher. I think Windows games would need to have very very low requirements to run well on anything but a high end PC98 that's way beyond what a Dingoo could emulate. It's not likely for all outside of highly user input dependent games like Minesweeper.
Good question, the tutorial says this:
Though it basically emulates an i286 CPU, it has hackish support for i386 protected mode. Since version 0.80, Yui offers a new build called NP21 which now emulates a real i486 and thus natively supports the PC-9821, though it still lacks a CD feature — not good for Policenauts! NP2 can satisfy itself with a mere P2 Celeron, but NP21 requires a hefty P3 at 1 GHz. Most probably those two builds will be merged at some point in the future, providing that Yui succeeds in optimizing the speed of the latter.

But i don´t know which version the Dingoo port is based on. Slaneesh? ^_^ Wait, it´s 0.81a, God bless About screens.
Ofcourse i know how slow and impracticable it´d be, even Win 1.0 is frameskipping (no surprise). But this emulator is pretty amazing if you ask me, especially that it runs MS-Dos based games (i think, dunno for sure if the OS is ms-dos) quite good. Tried a few dos demos like second reality, didn´t work of course. :p

The hackish support for i386 might explain the blackscreen i get when trying to run win3.1?

English forum with useful info btw:

And according to this page there was even OS/2 on the pc98.
There are two builds for NP2 - the Dingoo one doesn't support 386 as... well it would probably be even slower than what we've got now. But support is available.
What it really needs is a nice dyna rec to make it groovy.

Anyway, I've got an optimized compile and profiled build of NP2 which is a fair bit faster - about 30% or so which is significant.
euleberlin said:
to install on an empty harddisk. Found Windows 2.1 too, have to install it too, 1.0 runs from the disk. ^_^

I dont know about Windows 2.1, but 2.08 can be run from the floppy disk too. Just insert disk 1 and type Win at the dos prompt.
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Thanks for all the suggestions, and the good news slaanesh! :)
There was win /s which should start win 3.1 in 286 mode, but i get a blackscreen too and the install always fails (maybe due to my lacking japanese), same with win 2.1... Will try on the PC.
Tried Prince of Persia just for fun, "graphic mode not available". :p
If someone finds a neat place with more PC98 OSes, let me know!
I sort of lost interest in this after a lot of initial interest as I couldn't get anything to run at all!
I found that most games/software need some BIOS adjustments to work. I've posted some information about this elsewhere.
I can dig it up if anyone is interested.

I would like to release by faster build of this at some stage.