Windows Nt/2000 Source Released!?


Certified Guru
Apr 4, 2003
England, UK
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Hi kids, I'm completely drunk atm but I still think it's worth posting. The Windows 2000/NT source has been LEAKED. That's right.

Full coverage here:

From directory listings this looks legit.

Here's an amusing quote from the source code of a USB driver:
  * Function compares two strings.
  * Return offset in pussy where prick ends if "prick" may penetrate
  * int "pussy" like prick into pussy, -1 otherwise.
static inline int match(const char* prick, const char* pussy, int len2)
                int len1 = strlen(prick); //length of male string
                int i; //just an index variable
                const char* tmp; //temporary pointer for my own pleasure // We skip all spaces and tabs
                for (i = 0; i len2)
                                return -1; //Fuck off, no fucking

                if (!strncmp(prick, tmp, len1))
                                return i + len1;

                return -1;


Edit: Someone posted this again 6 hours later, I have merged them (Check topic listings before posting duplicates, please)
GP2K, now there's an OS worth running.

This could either mean more hacks for Win NT/2K/XP (remember, XP is based on NT technology) or it could mean more security for it as well. I mean, really, think about it: if enough people who are sick of the security holes in NT/2K/XP get ahold of this, they can actually figure out a real way to fix them. I honestly kind of doubt it was 'accidentally' leaked, but that somebody planned it up because of the so-called security/stability of open-source OS's, so they wanted to exploit that collection of users/programmers. They'll probably wait for the security patches from the public to come out and become popular enough, then bust them and steal the code to use it one of their own patches. Don't think it's not gonna happen like that.

On a side note: anybody remember the time the group of Polish hackers found a security hole in all the WinOS's except WinME. Now that is Polish. Don't give me any of this racist crap, I should know, I'm over a quarter Polach.
I just can't help but crack a Polish joke right now.

So, the world was trying to discover why why the head is larger than the rest of the penis. Japan began the research. After 2 years and 5 billion dollars of research, the Japanese determined that the head was designed to give the woman more pleasure during intercourse. The United States continued the research with another year and 3 billion dollars worth of research. They determined that the head was there to provide the man with more pleasure during intercourse. A little while later the Polish decided that they were not satisfied with either Japan's or the United States' findings. After 2 weeks and about $62.43 worth of research, the Polish concluded that the head was larger than the rest of the penis in order to keep a mans hand from flying off and hitting him in the forehead during masturbation.

Goodnight all. ;)
where is it? where can i download it?

does this mean wine will be able to run better in linux.
"win2k sourcecode released" is a bit misleading :P other than that, i won't comment on this as i can see this BURSTING out into a 20 page thread. i hate large threads. so i'm off.
// This function should only be called once or else we will leak like a, like a, a thing that leaks a lot.

Nice comments :P
thebluenewt: the source to 2000/NT is partially shared with XP (based on 2000) and NT (based on 95) so XP is probably just as at risk. I expect someone will come up with an exploit like the RFC one and do some damage with it. As always, just keep your ports closed. Lots of Win 3.1 code in there as well :S

NssOne: take the tinfoil hat off. Even Microsoft wouldn't be stupid enough to risk their entire source base (or at least a substantial portion of it) to get some people to make patches. For a start, nobody will, because Microsoft could easily sue them. Secondly, the type of people who submit patches to open-source projects won't be touching the code with a ten foot bargepole solely so they can't be linked with it. Imagine if WINE suddenly gained support for more Windows APIs and the lead developer turned out to have the 2000 source code on hand.

Besides, as mentioned on Slashdot and Fark enough times, the source code is nothing especial. Tons of universities and research institutions have this already and if anything it proves the 'NSA backdoor' rumours to be false.
The source code has been leaked, not open source. Must say though, it's nice to browse through it and see how it all works. Kinda big download though (200Mb!)
jlebrech posted on Feb 13 2004 at 08:36 AM said:
does this mean wine will be able to run better in linux.
Sadly, this is going to be more of a problem for wine than any help. The wine-developers might be accused
for source-code stealing for every new feature added from now on... might make their life harder....
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It's not the whole source.... The whole source is 40GB uncompressed, and this is only ~660MB uncompressed :)
thebluenewt posted on Feb 13 2004 at 02:06 PM said:
What's with this Poland thing? Do Americans dislike them even more than they hate the French? (I don't understand that either)
Americans hate the French? Those guys kicked out the Britts for them (and gave them a nice statue too) :blink:
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Vimcas posted on Feb 13 2004 at 02:10 AM said:
windows to gp32? it have now a open source :-)

sorry bad joke but somone had to write it :-)
Hell yea dude, Someone grab the leaked Half-Life 2 source and port that too!
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I grew in an area dominant of Germans and Pols for the last 80 years. The joke with Pols are that they do everything backwards, in reverse, or just messed up some way. And the history between Germans and Pols have not been very good. But, of course, everything now is just a joke because we're all White-Americans now.