Wind And Water: Puzzle Battles Update (v1.01)


Jul 30, 2006
Hi everyone!

I'd like to announce that version 1.01 of W&W is out!


Most suggestions have not yet been made (changes below), but most bug fixes are corrected. This is minor update (yet important), and the reason for this update is that I will going to Japan for almost three weeks on Monday (from Sep. 3 to 21), and maybe I won't have time to work on W&W :) (It's most likely that I will have at least a little time, but better safe than sorry!)

To download this patch, login to the website and go to the downloads section. You can either download the GPE file and replace it, or download the whole ZIP again. Only the GPE file changed! Replace the old GPE file with the new one, and don't forget to backup your .esav file just in case :)

Please update your version of W&W ASAP, the GPE file is pretty small so don't worry about having to download the whole thing again!

Changes for v1.01:

- Story Stage B02 bug
- Puzzle Mode final stage bug
- Hi Full Combos were not counted (they count now :) )
- Story Stage E03 missing press
- B or X button can continue story dialogues
- TIME ATTACK and ENDLESS scores are now saved (please re-check, I checked but just in case)
- Hi Elementals in the game stats have been corrected
- Last world's Stage 09 did not open the secret stage
- C07 missing time corrected
- Last medal was not working (nobody has it yet anyway :D)
- Global Story Rank recalculated

Online Stats:
- Hi Full Combo works :)
- Global Rank has been changed

For both of these to have effect, you need to re-upload your save. Remember that hi full combos were not counted, so you need to start making full combos!

Also, to test that these were working, I uploaded my save :D the Chain and Time Chain records are a little scary (see the top stats), not for the light-hearted! I will be removing my save file tomorrow, just wanted to check that everything is OK :) (And, if anyone asks, I made the score playing the same version as everyone else does, and with the MK2 stick)

Thanks, and please let me know ASAP of any weird bug that appears since today is my last day around! (Well, for three weeks :P)

Keep enjoying W&W!
A r k said:
Hi everyone!

I'd like to announce that version 1.01 of W&W is out!

Keep enjoying W&W!
Excellent! And I plan to :)
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A few things I thought of:

Did you nail the museum bug, or will that have to wait for a later update?

Enjoy your trip :)
Thanks! :D

Nope, the museum I didn't touch it. Only the bugs I wrote there :) I'll try to update those soon!

*Uploading saves*
i have a suggestion for a future release: i have windandwater on its own sd card on auto run, would it be possible to add a tv-out option in the option menu? as i mostly play on my tv and gampad (2x stick is annoying me)

if its not to much trouble, this would be very helpful for me :)


ps. im stuck again lol
Hi chain 32 and time chain 45, it fun and time chain 45 couriously was my next goal, now i know why but it has to be more than that :), btw its double the challenge cause that gp2x stick.

moxie: Haven't touched the museum, really :) I'll try to work as much as I can!

norm: Hmm as in to enable TV-out? I'll try that! TV-out doesn't behave too well but I read that rlyeh was able to get it to work correctly!

shinra: You played one week and reached Time Chain 25 (I've played for about a year!), you'll get there in no time :)
A r k said:

moxie: Haven't touched the museum, really :) I'll try to work as much as I can!

Heh :) I'm just curious - Read it as "I wonder if you found the bug in the museum", not "OMG FIX THIS BUGG K BYE!!!" :D
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A r k said:
Hmm as in to enable TV-out? I'll try that! TV-out doesn't behave too well but I read that rlyeh was able to get it to work correctly!
yer to enable tv-out
the only problem i've had with tv-out is that some of the text is unreadable
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The website stats are messed up if you go between people using the next and previous buttons. I noticed when I saw someone that had 3 hours played and 200% completion, not possible even for hao :D I also noticed that evil dragon had my stats until I searched for my name and they became correct. I think it might just have an indexing number off but im not sure. Best of luck, this game still rocks the kazbah.

Have fun in Japan

EDIT: I have a medal, and I dont remember where from. Did anyone pick up on this (it could be blindingly obvious)?
EDIT: I have a medal, and I dont remember where from. Did anyone pick up on this (it could be blindingly obvious)?

...after a certain story stage, Hao appears and explains the medals :-)

And I 'm stuck on the story stage after that. I'm not good at surviving the press...
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I'm becoming a little less lousy at this game :)
I even beated the 1rst boss, sleepy Yuan-Hsi (don't laugh) and managed to get B on all level.
It is really challenging for me...
Thank you for the update btw.