Winape is source closed, and is an "only windows" emulator, I think It cannot be ported easily, but I think that WinApe could be very heavy for our little ARM920
(Also I'm affraid that it could have ASM inside it's source)
Arnold emulator, which is also CPC plus capable, runs a LOT slower than Caprice under GP2x. Also I get lot more FPS with CapriceGP2x compiled under Windows than WinApe (Both with realtime emulation disabled). And yes, The Windows Caprice I used is the same under GP2x, but the difference is that Caprice32 source "just download and compile" gives me under windows 800% speed without realtime (AMD 3000XP) and the GP2x "optimiced source" hits 1600-1700%
I think that the CRTC chip of a CPC plus is much heavier for emulation
And yes, Caprice GP2x supports DSK throught command line parameter (Useless without a keyboard) but latest
"Beta-W.I.P" has a menu for DSK loading and easy CAT and RUN"DISC (Also |CPM launcher... All this provisional til I made some kind of "DSK cataloger, select and type RUN"yourselection", or I made a virtual keyboard) Be carefull with the DSK selector... It gets crazy if you select a DSk above 5º position in the list (From top to bottom) because a stupid mistake in the menu handler... I will correct it ASAP in the next days... CDT (Tape) support works great under Windows compile, but under GP2x it corrupts the CDT in memory (Don't worry, the file is not corrupted, it just loads into memory and then is badly stored). I hope I fix all this before touching any other parts of the emulator
I'm just focussing into making DSK and CDT work, and after that I will redesing the DSK menu and possibly start the Keyboard...
By the way... and this is untested... I haven't remove SDL standard keyboard support for CapriceGP2x, so... USB Keyboard should work!
(Are there any chatboards USB friendly???)
Enjoy CPC!!!