"I Know. We're going for a ride."
I'm here to show Stars! 1.10a:
Since nobody has replied I'll add this new stuff onto my post.
So, I thought I had gotten winbox a bit faster this revision (some more aggressive optimization flags to gcc), but wasnt sure of it.
Now I'm sure:
And if one wants to play the Mhz game, http://homepage.virgin.net/roy.longbottom/dhrystone%20results.htm"]according to the list[/url] a 40Mhz AMD 80386 is 17.5 VAX MIPS with this benchmark, so it would make our winbox r2 at 1000Mhz to be about the class of an 24Mhz AMD 80386. This only applies to raw integer math though (as that is what dhrystone measures).
Since nobody has replied I'll add this new stuff onto my post.
So, I thought I had gotten winbox a bit faster this revision (some more aggressive optimization flags to gcc), but wasnt sure of it.
Now I'm sure:
Dhrystone Benchmark 1.1 Optimized
Setup Run1 Run2 Run3 Units
Winbox r1 @ 600 Mhz 3.21 3.17 3.24 VAX MIPS
Winbox r1 @ 1000 Mhz 6.91 6.97 7.02 VAX MIPS
Winbox r2 @ 600 Mhz 4.68 5.05 5.03 VAX MIPS
Winbox r2 @ 1000 Mhz 9.47 10.83 10.49 VAX MIPS